Writing Copy That Sells And Speaks The Language Of Your Ideal Client- The Little Guys Secret Weapon That Terrifies Expert Online Marketers!
By: Sandi Krakowski
In September of 2010, I was locked away for one hour, every single week, with a private group of writers who wanted to do blogging for profit. They wanted to not only learn how to do blogging… they wanted to learn how to speak the language of their ideal client!
Ironically, none of them, when we started, were even very clear on who this client was…..
But after 20 sessions with me, every single week…. (God bless them!) they not only found out who their ideal client was? They spoke their language so specifically and strategically that they had results that are still echoing across the internet world!
Two of the clients in this group have earned a 6-figure income in their business online.
One became a paid copywriter!
A few others finally got their books out, one services clients with WordPress Edits every single day in their business.
The list goes on.
Today, I'd like to give you 1- Hour of these 20 hours as our newsletter.
Learn how to write to your ideal client and
- Increase conversions
- Apply the formula of LOM to your business and triple your profits
- Write better headlines
- Create PPC ads that convert like gangbusters
- Write a blog that people read and love to share!
- Get people talking on social media and grow a big following
- Attract your ideal client
- Make more money!
This recording will provide you with this information NOW!
Rather than typing out a newsletter today, as I prayed and sought God on what I could share with you to help you take your business and your life to the next level. This series keeps coming up. So I'm going to share it with you at no cost whatsoever.
I'm going to share with you how to…
- Get 15 people PER DAY Opting Into your list
- A list that responds, shares and grows with your company
- How to never get people complaining about your newsletter
Let me know what you think. There are 19 more sessions where this came from. Not sure what we'll do with them…. maybe have a Thanksgiving Day Special? Who knows… you tell me, we will decide together.
Download this now… and listen to it at least 2 times!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
P.S. If you would like to hear more of this Magnetically Charged And Highly Converting Copywriting Made Easy For Beginners (c) .. please comment below and let me know!