Make The Thing They Want The Most Your Disclaimer: How to triple your sales online with a sneaky little trick that informercials use

By: Sandi Krakowski

The radio was on as I drove down the road and then I heard the infomercial jingle begin. First music, than that interesting voice that said, "Only a select few will be chosen for this clinical trial. Please stay tuned until the end of this broadcast to see if you qualify." 

Bam- my attention was stirred! I kept listening!

"Studies show that as we age, many of us find it more difficult to lose weight. But scientists have recently discovered a breakthrough formula that reverses aging and accelerates metabolism without raising the heart rate or other uncomfortable side effects."

"Not to uncommon, great opening," I thought…. and it went on for about 2 minutes with a very good program, description and spot-on language for the ideal client. This particular ideal client would want to lose weight, not work hard, have no discomfort and miraculously shrink a size.

Then…. I heard the most brilliant close I have encountered in a very long time.

"Warning: If you lose more than 10 pounds in under 10 days, please discontinue usage."

HA! I sat there laughing. "Oh sure," I thought to myself, "Like anyone is going to DISCONTINUE usage if they got that kind of success!" 

Then it came to me. What if… I were to put such a disclaimer on our website? 

Could it work? 

"Warning, If you earn more than $1000 per day, please discontinue usage and call your accountant immediately!" 

It sounded brilliant! (and when you least expect it I will most likely be borrowing that!)

But the lesson from this informercial is more profound than even the potential profits it could create- the idea that a disclaimer could actually be what the customer craved and wanted was brilliant!

So here's a little check list for you in case you want to test this out with your own product or service:

#1- What is it your clients really want? Try this: "Warning: Our copywriting has been known to crash servers, slam emails and increase profits so quickly you'll rethink everything you're doing!"

#2- What would be a potential result if the clients actually GOT what they wanted? Do they want to lose weight, write more clearly, speak to more clients or get more leads? What is it?

#3- Can you create a disclaimer that actually WARNS the prospect that what they want could quite POSSIBLY actually occur?

This my friends is not only ingenious, but it makes marketing fun! Give it a try!

With Love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski