Did I get your attention? Good! 

Don't worry…

Nothing's happened… except that in the last 90 days we've added more new clients to our client base and more traffic to our site than we did in the entire last year! HA!

This requires some massive updates, tweaks and optimizations to our site. 

From 5pm ET today until 3 am ET tomorrow morning… we're doing those updates so that our WordPress site can continue to handle ya'll and everything we have to give you, flawlessly!

6 racks of server space and a database and two guys who are massive geeks are at work!  YOU mean the world to us… so it will be even better than it was! However…

During that time…. 5pm ET- 3 am ET Monday, we might see some wonky issues.Don't worry, we've got it covered.

I'll see YOU bright and early at 4:44 am ET tomorrow morning with Episode #3 of A Real Change TV!  We're talking about Opt In Offers and how to build a HUGE list!

See you then!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski