I'm writing you today with so much joy in my heart I can't hardly stand it!
As many of you know a recent health challenge caused me to have to take some ACTION to get my body back on track. (If you missed that info, the entire story of my hospital visit is here)
This article produced more responses than anything we've ever seen! More than 300 of you wrote personal notes, more than 100 comments on Facebook and replies on Twitter! It was obvious that you guys are the real deal… you love us as much as we love you! And here's another thing I observed….. many of you are suffering from digestive issues and even disease.
You might not know that I've lived and moved in the alternative health industry for more than 25 years. I've personally built 3 powerful 7-figure generating e-commerce companies.. I managed a brick and mortar vitamin store, managed and coached at a brick and mortar gym for 4 years…. was a bodybuilder for many years in my 20's… have hundreds (could be thousands!) of books on alternative health…. and have read all of them at least 2 times if not more. I've sold millions of dollars of products and have been very blessed to earn millions of dollars in profits for myself…… and when I began writing for others, in various companies, did the same for others…. And then this past year about 1/3 of our client base lives in that realm and many have doubled and tripled their income!
That means…. I know that realm very well. 🙂
But life can happen….. I've come from a very painful past…. and as many of you know…. sometimes we have residue we need to clean up. Traveling means you can pick up a bacteria you weren't prepared for. Sometimes…. As life happens.. and listen to me here…things happen that we didn't plan for but are totally still on track!
It's not a set back… it's a PROMOTION! God didn't come to set me back with this…. He has strengthened me, made me MORE so I could do MORE and He lifted me up to a whole new level!
As I shared in my article, Ulcerative Colitis had to be dealt with head on… and it has been. Some of you have written saying things like,
"You kept it well hidden"
"You didn't give a clue"
"We could have never known"
Let me publicly say this… my mode of operation is not to perform or live a cover-up…. it was not my intention to hide or never let anyone know. I also know that when something happens in life, I take responsibility for it. I don't blame, stop living or run in depression.
Listen up though… here's a Mentoring Moment for you all.. …the reason I was able to heal so quickly is partly attributed to the fact that my life is not so jammed packed that I couldn't rest, relax and do what I needed (including many more hours in the kitchen cooking healthy, healing foods!) because I am planning and scheduling on a daily basis rest times and balance.
When people tell me they can't do this, they can't do that, they forgot this, they forgot that, their life is too busy, they are moving, they have a challenge, their kids are sick, etc etc and therefore they miss appointments, forget commitments, dishonor relationships….. it reveals to me that they didn't have rest, relax, flex in their schedule…. because as soon as they were tapped out….. they began to break. This is a sign of needing more staff as well, but we'll talk about that another time. 🙂
I have some BIG news for you today!!!
I stand before you to say today officially in remission!
That means no symptoms, and on the road to complete health. I expect total healing just as God has done with other conditions I've faced head on!
But here's the deal… and it's a BIG deal for me. I've worked through somethings that needed to be worked through for me to go to $10 million in profits, a bigger life, a more LIT UP future with my God and our clients… and I've done what it takes to overcome!
It didn't happen by someone waving a magic wand and it didn't happen because God likes me better than someone else (all those stupid pathetic lies you might have heard by others who claim to have experienced something miraculous)….. but this one thing is true-
Healing dwells and lives in heaven and Jesus Christ has the power to heal!
He never does a half-baked job either… He is the restorer of hearts and He is the mender of broken spirits. With the past that many of you have heard about…and the pain I've suffered through my journey called life… my body needed some healing… and I am so thrilled to tell once again, as occurred 7 years ago, I'm well and on the road to total recovery! And the fun part.. my doctors are thrilled as well!
I'm still on a very strict diet (and loving it!)…. and a very strict regime of supplements, rest, exercise, relaxation and here's a big deal… worship. I spend time worshipping the King of The Universe everyday, letting Him know how much I adore Him and am just totally crazy about HIM! 🙂
We have clients from all different backgrounds at ARC… every faith… every religion.. every doctrine. But this is my passion… to love people unconditionally and to live a FULLY BRILLIANT LIT UP LIFE before them.
This is a part of that…. letting you know that as a leader, I'm doing my part to be all that I can be for you.
Your job now… is to do the work in your own life and business!
I'm sending a big hug and love and gratitude to you all!
LIVE out loud, my friends! The world needs you!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski