Get over your money issues. Stop judging people who make a lot of money. Stop hoarding your money. Stop lusting after money. Get past your money issues so we can change the world! You know how you pay for adoptions? With money. You know how you take care of the homeless? With money.
You know how you build homes for people who have no shelter? With money. You know how you expand your payroll and give people an incredible opportunity in their career to have a great job they’ve never had access to before? With money. You know how you help people who need medical treatment they can’t afford? Money. You know how you rescue people from human trafficking Money…and people wonder WHY I’m so passionate about helping people get past poverty mindsets and money issues? NOW you no longer have to guess why. MONEY.
It changes lives and wise people who use it wisely can change the world!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski