My Mind And My Body Are Screaming!

The reality of challenges in life and how to handle them

By Sandi Krakowski

"Come on! You can do this! Get those muscles to failure, it's how they get strong!" Barbie-doll like but serious as a horse, Chalene Johnson was yelling at me from my Mac Book Pro.

It was 6:20 am and "we" were in the basement together, Chalene by DVD, me in the flesh!  

Working out is NOT new to me.

Taking my muscles to failure isn't new either!

But after losing 50 lbs and keeping it off in 2010, I had come face to face with the reality that my post-bodybuilding days were no longer helping me. Sure, I've got huge biceps and an enormously ripped back. But that comes from years in the gym and eating lean. Good supplements help too. But my muscle strength was lacking. I was waking up sore and it wasn't because I was working out!

So I made a New Years Decision ( NOT a resolution) to change that!

This is the part I hate the most- when my muscles are so weak and so out of shape that their screaming in flaming pain!

But it won't last forever. Soon enough, the pain will become refreshing and I'll look forward more and more to these workouts. For now, I have to pay my time.  

The same thing happens when we change our eating life-style.

Our stomach and our mind screams, "Ahhhhhhhh!! You are STARVING ME!" and it has to learn new habits, new ways to eat. Eventually, we get used to a new life of health.

It happens when we make a decision to gain control of our finances as well!

Initially we can be like a drug addict tapping a vein, looking for our drug! "Where is one last credit card, I need those jeans, just give me that purse and I'll feel better!"…. and we have to learn new habits of wealth, money management and getting out of debt. In time our habit becomes waiting 10 days for a purchase rather than driving two hours for a fix. 

Your business works the same way.

Mark my words, friends, to increase your skill and profits in business and go to new levels you will deal with some 'burn and pain' too!

Quite frankly, I'm here to break all the fogged up mirrors and give you a dose of reality. Life in general is filled with challenges. It just depends on which one you'll choose.

If you're overweight , as I was, there's the pain and challenge of feeling guilty and disgusted because nothing fits and our body hurts! OR…. there's the challenge of an aching mind and tummy for awhile as we learn new habits and begin to slip back into our clothes.

If you're in debt, as I was, there's a challenge no matter what you do. The challenge of feeling horrible because there is never enough or because you are spending it all on things that don't matter……. OR…. the challenge of learning to have control now so you can live better later.

It's all a challenge, isn't it?

But we've been brainwashed and hypnotized. Seriously! Into thinking time won't catch up with us and people get lucky breaks and we're just the suffering ones.

Friends, I'm here to snap some people out of their trance, today!

If you want to build a business, get financially independent, a smaller butt and a healthy heart…. it's gonna take W-O-R-K. Until we change our thinking and realize the work is WORTH it to those of huge value * all of us! * we'll stay the same forever.

If you seek to start a new business, you might hear your brain say things like, "Who do you think you are?! Just go get a job!" As you get used to the new habits of keeping track of data, running a website, regular blogging, consistent emails and daily interaction on social media, you might be tempted to just go back to the 'ease and struggle' of what you've known in the past.

Yet…. deep in our heart, we know we can't.

The regular tasks of building a business can seem overwhelming at times. But so can the struggle of never having enough to do the things we want to.

So… which struggle will YOU choose?

Working out can be the same way. The reality is there is always a choice. Always.

Aching joints and bones because we're not getting enough exercise. OR…… achey muscles and thighs because we're training our body in a new direction.

Life is a choice and those who win are the ones who understand challenge isn't bad. But here's the clincher…. quit trying to do it alone.

We were not meant to live alone. God created us to need each other. Hence the reason He esteems family and organizations.

He is the Author of good relationships. It's the cracked up media and hypnotic trances that have created such a mess.

Let's change the  way things are, shall we?

When we come together with a group of like-minded people, all in our own challenges but all supporting other, you'll soon discover that challenges can get easier and even failure can be good… because it means you're one step closer to success.

We must start the new year with a new mindset, a new focus and a new goal. The new habit of business, life, health and wealth will take choices, burning pain at times and will create a new reality from what we currently know.

So… if your mind and body are screaming right now too? Know this…. you're not alone! And YOU my friend, can do it! I've got an appt with Chalene tomorrow as well! Same place, same work, same burn. I'm excited about it! and…. 

I believe in  you and want to support you with our A Real Change group on Facebook! Join us now! We're here to live this life of change together!

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Sandi Krakowski     is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 79,000 clients in over 106 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.