November 2016

7 Tips To Increase Your Sales During December On Social Media

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7 Tips To Increase Your Sales During December On Social MediaI overheard some small business owners recently talking about their marketing plans for the month of December. One gal said she was going to 'hold off' until people were less distracted. Her reasoning was to save money on marketing and ads and just release her product in January. The other was a gentleman who thought that most people don't have any money left over to buy things, due to holiday gift giving expectations, so he too was 'waiting' to market his product, a direct sales item, until later in the new year.As a business consultant, if someone gave me this information for their December marketing and wanted my input, I'd say it was the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Ok, I apologize for that. But it really is unwise, ridiculous and [...]

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She’s In Her 60’s And Made 6-Figures Without ANY Prior Experience!

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Overcome Poverty Mindset And Understanding The Difference Between Wealth And Fantasies

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I just did a video on my Facebook page that had some people shouting, "AMEN! OH MY GOSH this is exactly what I needed to hear today!" and other's were shouting, "What on earth? Is that true?"Twenty five years ago I was a single mommy living on $5,000 per year. I did not get an inheritance, a gift, a handout and a rich person didn't give me some of their money to help me build my very first multi-million dollar business. But the things I did to better myself, become a millionaire, be who I am today are NOT popular. They're rarely taught in churches, you definitely won't find this information in schools and believe you me, it's not socially acceptable in some areas of the world.Will you let me teach you today the [...]

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October 2016