Mom Working From Home Stops Working 80+ Hours Per Week And Increases Income!
[vc_video link="" align="center"] Mom Working From Home Stops Working 80+ Hours Per Week And Increases Income! (you can too!) I'll never forget that day as long as I live. She sat in the front row at our event in Dallas, TX April, 2012. Her eyes were glued on me. Her heart was wide open.... and she was taking notes like someone on a mission. "Who is this woman?" I thought several times in my heart..... "She is so focused, so ready for a change. I have to find out who she is. " Later that night, Rochelle Griffin enrolled on the spot, paying cash, into our Millionaire Mastermind.... and in the upcoming weeks I would have the honor of finding out not only WHO this woman was, but who she was designed to be [...]