Engagement Will Outpace Marketing Dollars & Why People Want To Connect With You
Engagement Will Outpace Marketing Dollars & Why People Want To Connect With YouThere are two ways to outpace and out smart your competitors- ONLY TWO: out market them or out serve them. When your marketing bucket is a little low on funds, serving clients and engaging with them right where they are at will always be your answer. Now don't get me wrong..... There are many marketers out there that teach how to hypnotize, control and manipulate your audience through "so called" relationships. That is NOT what I mean. We all know that fake always brings trouble. You know what they call people who use relationships to make money, right? Prostitutes! And those who lead them are pimps. "Just say NO! to pimping!" The question then becomes, "How do we have genuine relationships with our clients without [...]