September 2012

Influence And Marketing- What The World Can Learn From Steve Jobs

By |Blog|

Apple believes that people with passion can change the world. They are a part of what Steve Jobs called "The Crazy Ones" who think differently, who are trouble makers, who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world... and quite frankly, they do. Today I wish to share with you the best marketing story of our generation! Steve Jobs taught more with his life, his career and his skill that any college could ever pack into a dry, stale MBA. Our lives will forever be changed because of Steve Jobs. We have lost so much with his death. Just this week the iPhone 5 was released. This little smartphone didn't just change the way we talk. It changed the way we DO LIFE. The iPhone 5 again created record-breaking results on [...]

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A Real Change TV Episode # 26- A VERY personal topic, from my heart to yours

By |Blog, Email Marketing, List Building, Marketing Points, PPC, Social Media, Wordpress|

  A Real Change TV Episode # 26- A VERY personal topic, from my heart to yours Introduction from Sandi- Today I'm taking a risk..... on our A Real Change TV show I'm revealing to you a dangerous enemy that is prowling around and destroying innocent victim's lives! You must be on guard or you could be next.   Please know, I am not being sensational, esoteric or fictitious! I have your best interest at heart and with that, I've taken a big risk talking about a topic that far too many people shy away from.   You've seen this enemy in mentors online!   You've seen it on the television!     It's prowling around social media, in the news and in classrooms filled with children.  Please, take just 8 minutes and get [...]

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3 Ways To Increase Traffic, Build A Bigger List & Make More Money With A Blog

By |Blog, Coaching, Email Marketing, List Building, Social Media, Wordpress|

3 Ways To Increase Traffic, Build A Bigger List & Make More Money With A Blog - Why your blog needs to get personal  By: Sandi Krakowski The internet has changed SO MUCH since I first began my first business. When our 4.5 million dollar kitchenware business was built in the 90's we didn't have blogs, videos OR social media. Makes one wonder how on earth we were able to grow such a big company so fast, doesn't it!? With all the amazing ways we can connect online today with Twitter, Facebook, InstaGram, Pinterest, Wordpress, Email and more, how on EARTH were we so successful? The personal aspect of business and getting personal with our clients is a key we've used successfully now for 15 years online, in 11 respective businesses. From writing about [...]

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Don’t Ask A Fat Person How To Lose Weight & Other Wisdom For The New Business Owner

By |Blog, Email Marketing, List Building, Offline Marketing, PPC, SEO, Social Media, Wordpress|

  Don't Ask A Fat Person How To Lose Weight  & Other Wisdom For The New Business Owner   By: Sandi Krakowski   I'm excited to talk to you today! Let me just cut to the chase and jump right in, ok? Today I have a question for you. Some of you will be grateful I asked. Some... well, not so much. But let me reassure you that the words that I write are always given from a heart of love and encouragement. YOUR dreams mean the world to me. I don't want to see you struggle any longer. Today's article is going to trigger some of you... so please be ready for it. But if you take the time to journal and write out what exactly upset you or made you uncomfortable, you [...]

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