Sandi’s ToDo List Minute- Remind Thyself All Day Long!
Sandi's ToDo List Minute- Remind Thyself All Day Long! The number one question that comes into my email nearly everyday is "How do you stay on track?" And that is followed up by, "How do you stay so vibrant all the time?" I'm honored that people would think I'm 'always' on track or that I 'always' look vibrant! Thank God for good makeup! And .... good tools to help me with forgetfulness, amnesia and procrastination. When I was bodybuilding in my 20's I learned a 'trick' that would forever change my life. It's a daily habit I still use and I want to share it with you. Remind Thyself All Day Long! Truth be told, I pay people to keep me on track. I pay an Executive Assistant to remind me of what has [...]