Call Security! We’ve had a breakin! Protecting your business, website and more online
Call Security! We've had a breakin! Protecting your business, website and more online By: Sandi Krakowski Right now, pay attention. I have some CRITICAL news you don't want to miss. How secure is your business? Are you treating it like the BIG asset it is? Listen, if you haven't made any money yet in your business that doesn't mean a thing.. many of you, if I were to be given access to what you have....the offer, website and more, there's no doubt I could play in 'your playground' for just 60-90 days and we could flip it into a 6-figure deal, no problem. Just because you haven't made any money with your idea or business does NOT mean that it's not valuable. So quit leaving your side door open! Take out a pen and paper [...]