Riding A 15 Foot Wave In Maui And Building A Business- A Discussion On How Your Business Follows Your Faith
Riding A 15 Foot Wave In Maui And Building A Business- A Discussion On How Your Business Follows Your Faith By: Sandi Krakowski The surf warning came fast..... and the guys at the zip lining company we were visiting were excited! "This means that JAWS could be here soon! WOOHOO!" they exclaimed with childlike happiness! "Jaws? Ummmm, and you're excited?" I replied. "Oh man, no, sorry... it's not the shark thing, " they said chuckling, "It's the name we Hawaiians give for the biggest wave we typically see. People fly from all over the world to have a chance at Jaws! This week it's quite possible it will be here! VERY exciting!" Being a business trainer who writes for over 190,000 hungry clients who crave more in life, want insider secrets on how to [...]