November 2009

Why a Big Ego is Always Behind “Feature Filled” Marketing

By |Marketing Points|

Why a Big Ego is Always Behind "Feature Filled" Marketing   "I have this great purse that has amazing leather soft as a lamb, with 6 pockets to meet all the needs of today's working woman- can hold your iPhone, your pens, your planner, your photo album and your wallet without alot of stress- making this the PURSE that most women only dream about but realize could never be created for under $1500. We meet that need by giving this purse away for only $ 495. with free shipping!" Sounds alright you might think but once you probe deeper you'll find that it answers only "FEATURE" related needs and the only "Ultra-Specific" attribute it has again is tied into it's features. Your Ego Will Market Features One of the hardest things I have ever [...]

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Do you know how to live on 1/4 of what you do now? EVEN if you are in debt?

By |Marketing Points|

I am curious..... would you permit me to take a tiny survey? When our family was over $ 500k in debt ( included mortgage) and over 6-figures in medical bills- this was after I finally got well, we had to trim the excess out of our budget. Being the organic mommy who eats and treats her family well- let me just say I didn't feed the junk from Sav A Lot. My questions: Do you know how to feed a family of 5 people on $ 50? Do you know how to stretch a food budget and STILL eat healthy? Do you know how to trim $ 500 out of your current budget? What would you do if tomorrow, your income went from $ 15,000 per month to $ 2500? Could you survive or [...]

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Why It’s Easier Than Ever To Make Money On The Internet

By |Marketing Points|

The behavior of people going thru a recession, during unemployment and times of challenge should be VERY important to you if you have a business online. Studies show that in the last six months the usage of the internet and the viewing of television have quadrupled. Recently we had Direct TV installed at our new home and the installer, a recently laid off RV worker from Elkhart county (thank God he was now working!) said he has been working seven days straight. He got his job just 3 months after being laid off and has had so much work he had to put in a request 4 weeks in advance for a Sunday off with his family. When the installer came for my business satellite that would give me a T1 connection for my [...]

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The Deepest Human Desire

By |Marketing Points|

“I have spent the best years of my life giving people the lighter pleasures, helping them have a good time, and all I get is abuse, the existence of a hunted man.” – Al Capone The Deepest Human Desire – Dale Carnegie’s “Copywriting Secret” By Guillermo Rubio Of all the emotions you can use to persuade someone, the most powerful is the desire to feel important. To feel appreciated. Get a deep understanding of how to use it, and you’ll be set to persuade more … both in writing copy and your personal life. In How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie writes, “There is one longing – almost as deep, almost as imperious, as the desire for food or sleep – which is seldom gratified. It is what Freud calls ‘the [...]

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