November 2009

Find a Need and Fill It? NOT!

By |Marketing Points|

When is the last time you heard the old adage in marketing, "Find a need and fill it- you'll have income for a lifetime!" Do you realize how outdated this training is? When is the last time you saw someone shell out $ 25,000 for something they NEED? In today's economy of recession and depression propaganda most people are not focusing on what they need. They are not trying to get a second job to get the things they need. They are NOT seeking a third credit card to get the things they need.  Ladies and gentleman this might come as a shock to you - but most people in today's marketplace are busting their behinds for things they want! Find a want to fill and you'll never run out of customers! When we [...]

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October 2009

Unconventional Ways to Generate Leads In a Recession

By |Marketing Points|

What do you call a 20 year old who markets Fortune 500 affiliate campaigns like he owns his own lead generating company? SMART Having worked online for the last 12 years I have seen so many ways to generate leads most times I am not impressed when someone comes up with a 'new plan'.  Partly because I probably already know what they are doing and sadly- because alot of lead generation is down right illegal. Lead generation is a huge multi-million if not billion dollar company. One of my goals into 2009 is to form my own lead generation company- but my motivator is not so much the profits as it is the need for a new process. Sadly, most people who call themselves lead providers are simply resellers sucking in the profits selling [...]

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BLINK: Teaching my boys to think!

By |Marketing Points|

I was working with my two teenagers in our home school. We've been home schooling for 17 years now... have graduated one son and have two to go. These two struggle more than usual with spelling and some other things related to writing and grammar. I do NOT hold to the traditional educational rule that this is NORMAL for boys and it is NORMAL for kids in general. I have a real hard time with the so-called accepted rule that today's kids can't read or write because of video games. Some maybe, but not most. I have another son who followed the rule I am going to share with you NATURALLY and now is very successful at the age of 20 in a business most would die for but would never be able to [...]

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May 2009

The Writer’s Life ….. and Living The Dream

By |Marketing Points|

The writer's life to me is a life of freedom, a life of no boundaries for income and a lifestyle where all things mesh together to create the desire of my dreams. Many people have dreams in their heart and some achieve them. My goal in life is to leave with no regrets. Having tasted death more than once with a few life threatening illnesses I am very serious about that goal. In my passion and pursuit of this freedom for our family, I have owned businesses for the last 14 years, some successfully and some a nightmare. This is quite typical I have come to find out as I have walked this path of being a business owner. But along the way one of the biggest bumps in the road has been a [...]

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