June 2008

Good Copywriting Doesn’t Matter, It’s Marketing That is Important

By |Marketing Points|

Got this from my friend Clayton Makepeace today..... I think you'll be shocked that he is saying GOOD COPY doesn't matter! The Death of Great Copywriting? Dear Business-Builder, Great sales copy doesn’t matter anymore. Sure — it was important back in the Stone Age, when you had to pay a half-million dollars or more to mail your magalog to a million prospects.  But now with the free Internet, the strategy you use to build your list is everything. And if your strategy’s right, your copy doesn’t have to even be good — let alone great. … Or that’s what some online marketing gurus seem to be saying these days. And who’s to argue with them?  After all — their online marketing works like gangbusters — right? Absolutely.  And most have Jeff Walker to thank.  [...]

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Marketing That Makes Even Middle Aged Men Think They Are in Menopause!

By |Marketing Points|

Hot-Flash Copywriting.... How to Give Your Competitors Hot Flashes When They See Your Website I was recently watching the AWAI Bootcamp of 2007, a seminar that costs a sweet penny to attend, is typically sold out months in advance and puts out more millionaires each and every year than any other venue for copywriters. Right now I am watching Dr. Joe Vitale, known as the Hypnotic Marketer teach on how to speak to your audience. He is teaching on how to speak on two levels, the conscious level and the subconscious level. So as I am watching this session on DVD ( I didn't get to the seminar last year, I had Pertussis! So the $ 2000 seminar was sent to me on DVD) as a Circle of Success student at AWAI I have [...]

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Home Business Management With Kids In The House

By |Marketing Points|

I am been so fortunate to have over 15 years of online working experience. All of these years were with kids in the house and homeschooling. Now before you get some kind of delusion in your head of perfection let me just say that while things have never been perfect in our home, they are quite profitable. I have homeschooled for 15 years, and the success that we have had in homeschooling our kids and running a home based business has even formed their career choices. My 19 year old just secured a full time career with one of my clients, heading up a Media division of their company. At 15 he did his first bid in that field, something that might not ever have happened if he wasn't homeschooled and given the chance. [...]

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Christians Afraid of Making Money Because of a Religious View on Pleasure

By |Marketing Points|

I recently enrolled in a ten thousand dollar copywriting school and am learning more than I ever dreamed possible. One of my niche specialties is the Christian Market. Reading thru the materials on the growing trillion dollar industry the Christian Copywriting market is I was stunned when I heard the statistics of so-called Christians who can't write copy or sell a thing! Sadly, a strong religious belief that pleasure and money equal sin and poverty equals holiness has led many into bondage. With a growing number of Christians looking to make money working at home, marketing on the internet, or starting their own companies it startles me how many are not only afraid of making money they don't know how to write copy for beans. The unbiblical view that it is wrong to receive [...]

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