March 2015

GIFTS AND SURPRISES!!! We’re celebrating 1 MILLION on my page!

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We're celebrating 1 Million On My Facebook Page! I'm GIVING AWAY an All-Leather #BEMORE Journal, these amazing quote arts & some #BEMORE bracelets!!! Answer these questions (or just one of them) and you could get a gift! 1- If Sandi had not been a marketer, what would she have done for a career? She talks about this all of the time! 2- Sandi had a business in the 1980's when she was a single Mommy. What did she do back then? 3- What is Sandi's favorite restaurant of all time? 4- Sandi's favorite animal is a what? FIRST PERSON to get all 4 correct gets the entire set. First 5 to get 3 correct, get a journal and bracelets. First 5 to get 2 correct, get a quote art and bracelets. First 5 to [...]

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Celebrating 1 MILLION PEOPLE On My Facebook Page!

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We're CELEBRATING 1 Million Incredibly Powerful People On My Facebook Page! Just a few short years ago I had the dream of impacting people every single day, on my Facebook page. Traditional social media marketing wasn't appealing to me. Frankly, it was BORING! Using a Facebook page as a billboard to show my products and hoping someone 'bites' and buys was not enough to get me out of bed in the morning, let alone building a multimillion dollar brand. But knowing that one post, one graphic or video, could make a difference in someone's life? NOW you're talking. That's the kind of thing that not only motivates me, it makes me get up everyday, come what may, and live my own #BEMORE life. We just hit 1 MILLION PEOPLE on our page today!  All glory goes to Jesus, who has given [...]

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Facebook Taking Likes Away On Your Page?! Watch this video NOW!

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  [vc_video link="" align="center"] BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Facebook Taking Likes Away On Your Page?! Did you see the recent announcement by Facebook that they are removing deactivated accounts from business and brand pages? Have you had a lot of likes removed? We have 1 million people on our business page and we recently lost 23,000 people. This is a 2.3% drop. Watch this video where I share what this means for our business AND yours! Facebook Taking Likes Away On Your Page?!  Share with your friends who are in business.  

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Demographics VS Psychographics: “How Do You Build A Culture Around Your Product”

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  CULTURE is the key to massive success on social media marketing. HOWEVER... and listen carefully... HOW do we build a culture around a product and not sound salesy?! Here's your answer! Please share it with your entire team! This is a clip from a live event that Sandi did where the entire audience had a huge "AHHH-HA!"  [vc_video link="" align="center"]   

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