July 2018

June 2018

Neuroplasticity, The Prophetic And Creating The Life You Want

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We've been talking a lot about neuroplasticity and quantum physics in my Inner Circle mentorship this past month. As I jumped into the deep end with my 2100+ students on the topic of wealth literacy, their relationship with money, abundance, stewardship and everything in between, neuroplasticity was the answer to our problems. When we realize that we don't have to stay the same, we can change our mind and then change our lives, it's incredible to think of the possibilities.But something really bugs me.It irritates me in the middle of the night, makes me think about it during the day and I keep asking this one question: "WHY do we always end up where we don't want to be?!"  If we have so much power, if the chatter in our head doesn't align with [...]

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April 2018

Why do we cannibalize and judge those who have prayed for success and are now walking in it?

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January 2018

Why Losing Friends Can Be A Good Thing!

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