The #BEMORE BookWe Are Powerful And Called To #BEMORE

Many people who call themselves Christians focus on one passage in the Bible where John the Baptist said that he must decrease so that Christ may increase. This becomes their mantra and their life purpose. To decrease. Ironically, the passage is when John is stepping aside and his mission was now ending. He prepared the people for the coming of the Kingdom and the mission of Jesus. The statement is about his departure and that the Messiah had come. It's time for Christ to become the radical one, the focus of John's followers. What he had been proclaiming was now here. 

God never intended that we believers would decrease. Actually, it's the opposite. He desires that we would INCREASE and be more. The purpose of being more is that we would infect and transform our world. We're not called to shout on street corners and make morons of ourselves yelling at innocent people walking by and telling them they are going to burn in the lake of fire if they don't turn. Our purpose is not that we would burn down abortion clinics and be known as the most radical, irrational folks in the city. Our mission and our purpose is that the world would be a better place because we are in it. That the light of Christ would come into the darkness and the people who are without hope would find their way.

We are called and our divine design is that we would be messengers of this glorious message- that Jesus Christ came in the flesh with one mission, to set us free. He didn't come to just set us free from the penalty of sin, however, as some believe. He came to set us free from all that holds us back, disables, disarms and prevents us from being the powerful people of God we were created to be. 

Jesus hung out with the outcast, the weak, the addicted, the scorned of society. He went to their rescue casting out demons, healing their sickness, raising the dead, opening blind eyes and more. One touch from Him and a life would be transformed forever. A bloodline would be forever changed. THIS IS our mission. This is our purpose. To #BEMORE.

We must be more than we could ever be on our own. 2 Corinthians 4:7 "We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of GOD and not of ourselves." If you want Christ to increase in your life and you desire that this power might overtake you so that you can impact the world around you, it's critical that you #BEMORE.

You have to be more than you could ever dream of being on your own! We must be more than we could ever muster up with our best efforts. We're called to be patient when we want to be angry. Kind when we want to be mean. We have to give even when we have nothing left to give. In order to do this, we have to #BEMORE in Him.

The enemy of this world wants us to disappear, hide out, and evaporate. Isn't it interesting that an obsession with being less, decreasing would rise up from among us and our focus would shift that we would die to ourselves and literally die, fade away and be ineffective?

All the hours spent in the prayer room mean nothing to the world if we never go out into the streets and the workforce and make a difference. If we want to see a society changed, crime rates lowered, pain to cease and more, we have to get so full of Jesus that we leak everywhere we go. Being in the prayer room should change us so much that we fly out of that room and we press forward into the world with an intent to make such a profound difference that lives are forever changed because we were there. But in order to do this, we have to #BEMORE.

I spent several months on bed rest writing my book, "#BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life." Ironic, isn't it? I'm a red personality and I am a challenged and driven woman. I have no problems pressing forward, tearing down, digging through a brick wall with a plastic fork! But God called me to #BEMORE when all I could do is rest. He called me to write this book, on my bed.

Two years ago, on a beach in Maui, the Lord spoke to me a very specific word, and it's mission was this- to #BEMORE. I began to speak of this with daily posts on my social media pages. At that time, there were about 100,000 people connected to me. Today, there are over a million worldwide. 

Do you dream of this #BEMORE life where you are able to impact those around you, walk in the power God has equipped you with and to see the glory of God fill the earth, your home, your family, your workplace and more? Then get my new book, #BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life. Spend 30 days with me in a private Facebook group, 10 minutes each day. Let's do this together. The world is our mission field. Our purpose is to make a change that impacts society forever. JOIN ME! Get your book now! The book club starts in November! 

With love,

Sandi Krakowski