Pink hair, a warrior tattoo, and a straight-shooting tongue…

Her American name is Sandi Krakowski but "normal" she is not.

The business world has dubbed her the "Shepherd of Entrepreneurs" because she expertly gives birth, nurses, weans, and diligently arms new warriors in the marketplace. You might say she is starting a revolution! A revolution of how business is done in the New Economy.

Yes, our world has significantly changed over the past century. In the late 1800's and early 1900's it was normal for Americans to be self-sufficient, owning their own land and their own businesses. America was not in significant debt during those years and it was common for Americans to have at least a 6-month cushion of food, money, and other resources for emergencies.

The industrial revolution changed all that in a mere few decades of time. Suddenly Americans were involved in the machinations of war: factories, production lines, and many Americans traded "employee paycheck and benefit package security" for "freedom". Our creed became, "Study hard, get good grades, get a good job, rise up in rank, secure your pension, retire in ease."

Everyone knows that brief age has passed away never to return, and now we are faced with a whole generation of Americans who have forgotten our former freedom. Like the Hebrew slaves who left Egypt but complained in the desert when they weren't given everything they wanted and complained to the very leader who was taking them into the Promised Land: 

"At least in Egypt we had leeks and onions!"

Many Americans today are exclaiming nearly the very same things….

They talk of high unemployment, of rising gas and grocery prices, of lower wages, and the possibility of hyper-inflation and/or economic depression. Like the Hebrews of old, America is in need of liberators in the marketplace!

Yes, it's a New American Revolution! And if you're one of the almost 80,000 and growing members of Sandi Krakowski's tribke (AKA Zena Warrior Princess) you know that the New Economy is simply a new opportunity, not an economic disaster! It's time for new education… a form of knowledge that equips you to succeed in the marketplace, to live without the so-called "security" of a paycheck!

If you're afraid of what the future may hold, if you're already realizing that retirement is a broken dream, and that if you don't do something different you'll end up like 95% of the population at age 65: dead or dead-broke… then it's time for a real change. that is.

That's where you can find Sandi Krakowski. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook – because that's where nearly every American is these days and you can watch Sandi in action.

The New Economy is about returning to a kinder time in our history – a time when neighbors watched out for each other and helped one another out. It's about building relationships and putting people first. The industrial age turned many of us into machines and robots… replaceable and not valuable.

I hope you don't wait too long to make a real change. Don't wait until age 65. Don't wait until you're in the unemployment line. Don't wait until your kids are grown and out of the house. Don't wait until you have a health issue. Don't wait! RUN!

Grab Sandi's free video training and get started. Turn your passion into profit!

Sandi Krakowski, CEO, A Real Change Int'l LLC

PR Written by Susan McKenzie, for press contact submit through contact form above.