"Destroy distractions once and for all so you can have the life you've always dreamed about without being hindered or stopped!"
“Finally… A Step-By-Step Program to Greater Focus, Fewer Distractions, Less Stress and Living an Unstoppable Life In All Areas Of Your Life!”
Would you like to learn my tried and true formula for greater focus that I’ve been using for 19 years while I homeschool my kids, run my companies and enjoy life?
Focus- what is it and how do you get it?
Is this you? There is HOPE!!
FOCUS is my expertise and it’s my passion to help you get to where you want to in life by acquiring the keys to focus that you have been lacking.
Do you want step by step strategies to learn how to focus with a house full of children, when you are in the most stressful of situations, when you haven't had any sleep, have ate all the wrong things and still think it's hopeless?
This audio could just be the answer you've been waiting for. Guaranteed! This listening guide alone I could have sold for $129 because it tells my story and gives resources to my success, along with secrets!
(This image is for advertising purposes only- you will receive product as described below)
Product Includes:
One hour MP3 File value $39.00, 30+ Page Listening Guide value $129
You'll receive the full audio- download instantly in MP3 format! And a listening guide of the entire audio as well, at no additional cost! Use the listening guide, resource guide and step by step system to receive the best result! Learn at a higher level- reading and listening at the same time for increased retention!
It’s Easy To Order!
YES, Sandi! I want to learn how to get better focused, destroy distractions and increase my abilities at work and in my personal life NOW!
The One Hour Audio Training Program PLUS Bonus Listening Guide and Resource Guide Download Is
(Note: this is an introductory offer. You are saving $30 by ordering right now – so don’t delay!)
Don't take my word for it, listen to some of the people who attended this event live and what it did for them:
Sherie wrote in: "In three days I went from frazzled- trying to take exams; dropping off & picking up three children in different places at different times; working with a mentor to start an online business; keeping up with the never ending job of laundry, dishes, and picking up toys; fitting in time to eat and sleep….to getting off the roller coaster & having composure. PRICELESS!" "The content described in everyday situations and circumstances in your life helped me to relate it in my own circumstances. Wow….to think I don't have to be the bionic women anymore is going to change my life! By the way, I do the P90x….LOL! After today's coaching session, I am rethinking on that! I think I need to cut off my trigger, and outsource some things. I realize I can't do it all! Thank you so much Sandi. " SCG "Thank you soooo much for this great call… heard things today that I had never heard before! Heard some things that I had heard before but not understood. Sandi has a way of getting your attention! These are not merely tips, but advice and strategy that when applied will lead you only to sharp focus and achieving your goals." Anna " I just wanted to tell you that you are an angel! I’ve been struggling with this so much that it just made a light where I thought I was going crazy and lost. I have SO much to say about what my passion is… I’m on the right path and feel the small fee you are charging with be worth thousands and possibly millions to me someday. Thank you again! Joani "
"Just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the call this morning! Focus is probably one of my biggest problems in trying to build my business. It's incredible how many of the things you talked about actually apply to me. At least now I have some idea of how to fix them. " Susanne
All new product that people have been talking about on Facebook, Twitter-
Kimber Field Perkins-King
way to go girl! looks amazing…. 🙂 Can't wait to get my hands on it !
Thu at 7:49pm ·
Thea Woods
Congratulations! If it's even 1/100th of the info on last call on Focus, I'm in. Gonna spread the word.
Thu at 8:30pm ·
Sandi Krakowski
Thanks everyone! I'm super excited about it! Stay tuned! It's gonna be released right before Easter!
Thu at 8:41pm ·
Thu at 9:11pm ·
Sandi Krakowski
Should I release it on Sat? (heehee)….. as soon as they tell me the print version is ready, it's ready to fly!
Yesterday at 7:13am ·
Yesterday at 8:55am ·
Lisa Saline
Way to go Sandi. What an accomplishment and to be able to implement what made you successful is even better. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
Yesterday at 9:49am ·
Michele Serany Vanfossen
good for you sandi!! what a testimony you have girl!! it was great to finally meet you live at the last FSTS in Florida!! keep up the great work
Yesterday at 10:24am ·
Sandi Krakowski
thanks everyone!! Wow.. it's been a wild journey! I surely didn't get here by myself and I mention those who THRUST me into the scary places, past my comfort zone, into all the areas I was designed for and staying away from in my audio! 😉
Yesterday at 10:35am ·
Sandi Krakowski
We're going live a day early!! Stay tuned- it's going live TOMORROW!!! 🙂 So excited!!! You guys are awesome! 🙂
Yesterday at 9:03pm ·