PROPHETIC WORD for those in business and in the marketplace: QUIT telling God all you need, all you lack and all you’re struggling with! Start WALKING IN your authority! Pull down from heaven the great gifts and provisions He’s given! Live in the supernatural and STOP depending on all you’re good at, skilled in and trained for! Yes, all that is good. Get more skill set. Get education! Take risk and get more experience!

HOWEVER a kingdom business is run by one who BELIEVES in the divine authority, kingdom summoning and power of the gospel shown in business! God taught me how to write sales copy! God gave me wisdom on how to find target markets! God Almighty made me powerful in the things I was weak in!!! Quit acting as if the supernatural is only for SUNDAY! It’s for Mon- Sat too and the marketplace sees more people every day the most churches could ever imagine seeing!

God can make you good at business, give you people skills, give your heart to care, give you a heart to love, and give you power to have a great business, love people, bring good products to the market place, equip and enable people for better lives, father and mother people who are orphans and do it all through His power! For His glory!!!!! Believe! The trumpet has been sounded on the business mountain…. now walk in it!

I was a broken, fractured woman who was terrified of people and yet, God summoned, anointed and equipped me to impact nations! That’s scary in the natural! I can’t perform that! But GOD in me is #GREATER !!!!!!


Sandi Krakowski

PROPHETIC WORD for those in business and in the marketplace