Quote Graphics On A Facebook Page Are A “Secret Weapon” For Engagement

Did you know that quote graphics are the MOST commented on, liked and shared content on all of Facebook? Every single day more than 4 BILLION people interact by clicking LIKE on the platform and more clicks and comments occur on quote graphics and photos than anything else. 

Quote graphics are the small business owners ‘secret weapon’ for growing a page without spending any money. Here’s why:

If the graphic I have above is clicked, liked and shared by 25 people, it will appear on the profile page of all 25 people. That means that all of THEIR FRIENDS see my page and I didn’t pay for it. It also means that their friends will instantly have an opportunity to connect with me, like, share and comment on my page without even having been to my page.

WHY is this so important?

–>>> Engagement is the GLUE! <<<–

The most important task you can do on your Facebook page is create excellent digital media content: graphics, photos, videos and more. But most small business owners don’t have the time or the skill to do all of that.

ENTER quote graphics. 

When we post a quote, a fun saying, a happy affirmation in a graphic, this takes our reach and our engagement farther than anything else. Every LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE increases our opportunity for finding better prospects for our products and our services.

Quote graphics are your prospecting team!  They attract leads to your page, instantly, and you don’t pay a penny.

Are you frustrated with how to do great graphics, simply and easily? Does it wear you out trying to find great content that converts?  I have a solution.

This month in my Exclusive Inner Circle Coaching Program we are saturating the topic of “Quote Graphics Made Easy For Small Business Owners.” I’m not only showing you how to write better copy, find great resources for content and how to use simple apps to make graphics, but yesterday I gave a FREE resource for done for you HIGHLY VIRAL graphics. These are the SAME graphics that multi-million dollar brands are using on their page to create ridiculous results!

Spend one month with me. Let’s dissect this topic! I guarantee you have NOT heard what I am teaching and it will change everything for you, when it comes to engagement, reach and conversion!

Attract more customers, make more money and create the life of your dreams! In the Inner Circle coaching program I am interacting with my students every day in a private Facebook group!

Come join us NOW! http://www.arealchange.com/innercircle 

With love,

Sandi Krakowski