The Read Their Mind BEST Picture Contest!!!!
WOW! The pictures we've seen come in for our Read Their Mind contest have been amazing!
I have a confession to make…. I never in a million years thought this book would hit so many people on such a business AND a personal level!
Pictures coming in of people with their children, on their deck, even one Mom sent in a picture of the NEW HOUSE they are building because the Read Their Mind system WORKS! (see below!)
But we do have to have a winner…. and we do need to reveal WHO that winner is!
So without further delay…. .our Read Their Mind winner is Emilie Shoop!
THIS picture made me laugh!
How creative is this?! Her blog post was amazing and it honestly is the BEST one we have seen! WOOHOO!
All of your pictures were amazing & we will be sharing them, your stories, your websites in our upcoming marketing campaigns!
Truly, as we all learn to Read Their Mind, we can change the face of marketing for good! And that my friends, is A Real Change!
With love,
Sandi Krakowksi
P.S. Emile, you won the $ 997 The Total Online Blueprint! Please write my staff immediately on our Contact Us page for your details and how to send us the proper shipping address! Thank you!