Read Their Mind With Pinterest

To “Read Their Mind” as I taught in my best selling book, you have to learn to listen and watch far more than you do anything else.

People are already telling you how to sell to them. They are already telling you what to write to them as well.

It’s not a mystery and it’s not something that requires a college degree. The information is right there. But if you don’t take the time to read, listen, watch, study….. you’ll miss it. Many do.

If you don’t take the time to pay attention, you’ll end up writing copy that is full of Foo-Foo and it won’t close a sale. It might make people feel good, but when all is said and done, your bank account will be empty.

Pinterest is giving some very interesting data when it comes to reading their mind and learning how to write better copy.

People are driven by interest. Bring content that feeds the interest and you have a winning website. Direct the interest, bring content together with the interest and add relationship and you have a winning business!

How To Read Their Mind With Pinterest

1. Find people with similar interests, quickly!

In Pinterest there is a feature that says to "Find Friends" in the upper right hand corner.

Connect with all of the followers who are currently following you from Facebook. If you don't have any followers yet, connect your Facebook with your Pinterest and you will instantly.

Now your work starts….

Begin to notice what YOUR followers are posting.

Pay attention to what they comment on.

What do they write when they comment?

What are the interests that are most popular among your followers and what do they tend to RE-pin the most?

Take notes, pay attention and as we taught in my book, "Lean In"…. take the time to lean in. Make 50% of your activity on Pinterest learning and leaning in time.

2. Listen closely while on Pinterest

Go to the home page, and in the upper left hand corner is the section that says, "Recent Activity."

This is where you can quickly spy on what people are currently doing. You'll see this section move in real time, depending on how many friends you have or followers you are connected with.

Mary repinned your pin.

Margaret liked your pin.

Kelly commented on your pin.

Watch, listen and learn. 

Go to some of your followers pins and repin them! Comment on them! And let me say this loud and clear, this is NOT the time to just 'fake' having relationship. Get to know people and see what interests them. You might find the topic of your next article!

3. Notice what other sites your clients are visiting.

Pinterest can get dangerous if you love clothes!!

It can also teach you a lot about what is driving people and their buying patterns. Pay attention to this photo above. You will find that someone has put together a great outfit and it's all available through other connections on a site.

What if you were to bring together some of your guest writers and create a picture like this with the 'services' that they specialize in?

If you offer health and wellness products, can you create a collage of the different products and make each one click back to the page on your blog that has the individual items and details? Yes you can!

By paying close attention to how people are ….

A- Bringing items together and mirroring the same

B-Describing what they are crazy about and making your repins resemble this

C- Make it fun and interactive

You can quite frankly DICTATE what some of your results will be!

4. Post some of your blog posts and have a contest!

One of the easiest things to do on Pinterest is to connect your blog posts and a great photo to your board.

Add just the first sentence of two and make sure that keywords are rich. Then link BACK to your website!

Feature some of your favorite clients. We have created boards for our coaching programs and adding to it daily! Our Sapphires, Rubies, Diamonds and more! Even our Emeralds are in on the action.

Lastly, have a contest… this isn't too hard.

Get people into a photo contest, a Re-Pinning contest like we did last week with our Social Media course. If you have a website that hosts regular groups and gatherings, bring some of the results to Pinterest.

Cutest dog contest!

Person who lost the most weight contest!

The Mom who saved the most money on her groceries this week contest!

Pinterest is about interest. 

Connect interest to great content, and add relationship for a winning marketing plan on Pinterest!

Have some fun and stop by! I'd LOVE to see you, and all that you enjoy each day!


Sandi Krakowski is a Serial Entrepreneur who refers to herself as a HAPPY entrepreneur….. with 11 successful companies under her belt and a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 200,000 clients in over 147 countries.

Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 15 years and has built 11 successful companies including her current business A Real Change Int'l.

Experience in eCommerce, Internet Marketing, Direct Response Marketing, Publishing, Book Creation, Copywriting, Sales and Management, Team Development and Leadership give her a unique ability to help business owners who are ready to move their businesses forward.