Read Their Mind Book Show Me Your Best Picture Fun!
LISTEN UP! Here's your homework. Go!
1. Go to your own blog & post a separate post with a picture of YOU holding your Read Their Mind book. Get creative! Hold your smartphone if it's on there, your Kindle, Nook, iPad, Computer! Have a LINK on your blog that references where others can get the Book for free. Use this link only-
2. RACE to my Facebook wall & POST your own blog post! YOU WILL GET MASSIVE TRAFFIC! Then we can all RUN to your blog, give you some INSTANT traffic spikes and see your post! FB Wall-
3. My staff & I will keep close eyes on this and then Sandi Claus will come on Friday around 12 noon ET with the happiest blog post I can find and the most unique comment, story, etc.
Ready……. Set….. GO!
I want to see your blog posts on my Facebook wall! Post in a comment or post on my wall! DO NOT post your blog post if you don't follow the exact guidelines above! We'll do this until Friday, so my wall will be open for you. 🙂
Woohoo!!! What fun!
P.S. The 12- Hr UNEDITED audios from the LIVE event that produced the book are NOW available for purchase!!!
You could win a $ 997.00 Value The Total Online Blueprint DVDs, CDs & 300+ page Workbook!
On Friday, 11-11-11
Sandi Claus will visit and AWARD ONE WINNER!