A Real Change Certified Social Media Content Management Program 


Are you looking for a career that is HIGH in demand and has the potential to create more than $10,000 in earnings per month your very first year? Then keep reading.

It's not a secret that Social Media Marketing has been the biggest shift in the marketing world to hit the internet in a very long time. And behind every successful Social Media Marketing campaign for businesses, is a person who helps bring it all together.

At A Real Change we are very serious about helping people grow their skills so they can be some of the best service providers in the entire world. This is one of those positions we are serious about helping YOU grow in!

A SM Content Manager manages content that includes but is not limited to the following:
·      Articles
·      Sales Letters
·      Newly released products
·      PR
·      Company updates
·      Sales and promotions
·      Events
·      Contest
·      Keywords and Tags in SM content
·      Headlines
·      Conversion data
·      Personal interaction
·      Direct Message answering

And more!

Here’s the earning potential of a SM Manager, who has already built up a good following themselves and understands the basic steps of SM Management:
Client A- Manage all articles on 30 day cycles, schedule tweets and posts, update 3-4 photos per week, manage one profile for company on Twitter.  $ 797 per month
Client B- Write all headlines for content, manage articles on 30 day cycles, schedule tweets and posts, update photos 2-3 times per week, handle monthly contests, publish coupons, take client requests and sent to customer support.  $1597 per month
Client C- All of Client B tasks and custom create 50 Hashtags per month for client. $1797 per month
The potential income of activity such as this would bring in:  $4191.00.  Much of the work could be done the first week of every month and managed on just a few hours the rest of the month.
Increase the amount above to include 7 clients and you are now making over $10,000 per month.

The Most Demanded Job In 2012 Ever!

We are releasing our A Real Change Certified Social Media Content Management Course!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski
P.S. We will accept a limited amount of people… and this is unlike ANYTHING out there!  If you are desiring this as a career move.. this is for you.