Have You Always Dreamed Of Being A Public Speaker? But Are Terrified (Or Don't Even Know How) To Start?

Sandi Collage

Introducing The FIRST EVER "A Real Change Speaker's Academy" With PJ McClure and Sandi Krakowski




Dear entrepreneur, home business professional, company executive, author, writer or anyone who knows deep in their heart that their career depends on their ability to speak,

The ability to speak well, lead an audience and have a great time doing it is more than just a science of ques, memorized speeches and presenting your message. It's the direct result of you, the speaker, finding your voice, and learning to step ONTO the platform you were designed to be on.

But what if you are terrified when it comes to microphones, conference lines and even speaking at a Toastmasters type event?

We can help!

Mastering your voice is a topic that very few, if any, public speaking training venues ever address. Amidst the how to stand, learning to project your voice, looking into the audiences faces and the age ole imagining they are in their underwear techniques very few public speakers ever find the place where HEART and PASSION collide and their voice is mastered, above all other things. Ironic, isn't it? Because your voice carries a resonance. And with this resonance comes a unique 'pitch' if you will, that if you hit it, you'll become one of the best speakers and presenters the world has ever heard.

So how do you find your voice?

We are here to help!  Starting August 12th, PJ McClure and I will be meeting with an EXCLUSIVE group of people in the first ever "A Real Change Speaker's Academy."  Unlike any other speakers academy you've ever attended (or speaker training for that matter) this course will go into the areas that so many avoid or overlook.


How To Craft A Webinar That Leaves A Forever Blueprint In Your Audiences Mind

Way before you learn how to present on a stage, one of the best ways to 'find your voice' is with regular, choreographed webinars and teleclasses that can be presented from the comfort of your own office or home, to thousands of hungry attendees who can't wait to hear what you have to say.


We've worked with thousands of clients through the last 4 years and have discovered a very POWERFUL little secret that has helped many of them not only replace their current income, but it has helped them to become comfortable speaking in front of an audience ANYWHERE they are. Live on stage, on a teleclass, through video, TV episodes, audios and more- our students are getting results that unanimously confirm that FINDING ONES VOICE and learning to present your message on any platform is the most BRILLIANT way to learn to become a public speaker. 


Public Speaking For A Living

Finding Your Voice!

Learn first hand how Sandi was able to generate over $400,000 from the comfort of her home office, with an audience that was seated all over the world, globally at one event!

PUBLIC SPEAKING has many faces! This catapulted a an 'on stage' earning potential of 7 figures without any shift in focus. YOU TOO can learn these same strategies! She speaks daily in conference rooms, one on one mentoring situations, group coaching, corporate consulting and more, helping others master their unique message.

Learning to then step onto a stage becomes so much easier when you've been able to master your voice, your platform and your message in multiple 'non-threatening platforms'.  As PJ McClure walks you thought the tactical sides of speaking to that inner voice of yours, discovering how to release your message has never been so easy!


Ministry Speaking & Boardroom Presentations

PJ McClure has been speaking in boardrooms, conference rooms, telecalls, private one one mentoring and in front of college students at graduation ceremonies, Toastmasters, live stages and even professional debates. He'll teach you his #1 SECRET SAUCE tip for how to present the same, no matter where you are at! 

Some of what this course will include:



  • Different ways of presenting (stage, teleseminar, webinar, audio, video)
  • Having a message (Different types of messages)
  • Connecting with the audience
  • Bringing a result


(How do you want to be seen and known?)

  • Content driven
  • Process driven
  • Combination Types (teacher, seminar leader, trainer, educator, speaker, story-teller, problem solver, consultant, etc.)


(Even highly technical speakers should be relatable)

  • Energy, Action, or Pay-Off


  • Stories, Experiences, and Unique Perspectives (God wastes nothing, neither should we consider our experiences as wasted.)
  • Central theme under them all (What lessons and themes recur through your stories?)
  • Why is it important to you?
  • Be credible, no hype.
  • Be who you really are.


(Your central message can become multiple presentations)

  • What is the payoff or intended impact
  • Major points to the payoff
  • Are there stories for each point
  • Think in terms of your audience


  • Knowing your situation and audience
  • Outlining your presentation
  • Different methods of practice
  • Managing yourself


  • People hear what they want to (Speak what they already hear in their heads)
  • What audiences remember
  • People remember what impacts them
  • Different learning styles
  • How we are wired instictively for our audience


  • Don’t go overboard with information
  • Go for impact
  • What is the purpose of the presentation
  • You can always provide handouts
  • Create a series of connected conversations


(So you create a safe environment for the audience)

  • Situations that make you feel safe
  • Managing the physical environment
  • Managing your audience
  • Being ready for changes that could make you feel unsafe
  • Audiences that make you feel safe
  • Audience responses that make you feel unsafe


  • Authenticity from the speaker
  • Right amount of structure
  • Relating directly to them
  • Answers, Techniques, and Solutions
  • Not making them ‘wrong’
  • Trusting the speaker


  • Each audience has a combination of Concrete, Abstract, Action, and Reflective
  • Focuses for each
  • The speaker’s role for each


  • Hearing and refining your voice
  • Feeling and feeding your energy
  • Defining your expectations



Date:  August 12- November 12, 2013


Course Schedule:

  • FB group Private Interaction With Sandi & PJ- 90 days
  • 4- Video Trainings Per Month Delivered On Tuesdays to be done at the students own pace per month
  • 4- MP3 Trainings to walk you through your trainings per month
  • 1 Hr LIVE- Group Calls With the entire group per month


FREE Membership in the Inner Circle-90 days ( $ 291 value )
FREE Membership in the Emerald Membership Program 90 days ($111 value)

  • Sandi's Copywriting 101 Course which includes 20 Hours of Copywriting training so you can set yourself up for the most success ever! ($ 697.00 value)
  • WP I  $97 VALUE
  • WP II  $197 VALUE
  • PPC For Beginners  $147 VALUE

PLEASE NOTE: This schedule has been made so you can implement and activate everything you are learning. You'll have four intense videos each month and then activate, receive updates by Mp3 and interaction with Sandi & PJ in a Private Facebook group.


If that wasn't enough, we're throwing in $1540 in BONUS MATERIAL!








ACT FAST!!  (Due to the one on one learning in a private group we will be giving, this course has a very limited enrollment amount. DO NOT DELAY!)