
Learn From Online Multi-Millionaire Sandi Krakowski,  How To Build Your Own Online Gold Mine!

Dear home business professional, aspiring author, speaker, direct sales business person or anyone looking for a part time income working online,
As our company A Real Change International, Inc has grown in the last 4 years to become THE trustest resource for companies and small business owners who are serious about using online tools to market their products and services, we've had the honor and privilege to grow several coaching programs to capacity.
Our mastermind and mentoring groups have been some of the most successful programs in the industry!  WIth more than 800 students in our Inner Circle program currently and on average 150-300 students in our speciality courses, we are honored to say that YOU are making a real change!
What if there was a way for anyone, anywhere, to supplement their current income (or to start an online business) by sharing their expertise and passion? Well there is. I'm living proof and so are my clients.

I built my entire 18 year career around selling physical products and marketing services. It wasn't until 2008 that I tried my hand at marketing digital products and all I can say is WOW!!!! It changed everything for me, because the overhead was very small, the hours it required of staff was minimal and it could be done from anywhere in the entire world! 

In my first business back in the 1990's online, through marketing, selling and shipping millions of dollars in kitchenware, I learned how to run a business from scratch. Going into multiple eCommerce platforms, my expertise in PPC, web development and copywriting grew. When I started a marketing firm and then a copywriting firm to serve other companies, my skill in managing content distribution, search engine domination, social media, advertising, direct mail and all forms of online marketing became masterful. And when I began to share my knowledge, wrapping up everything I knew and delivering it into easily downloaded digital products, my expertise grew even more!

Gold Coaching Program


September 5 thru Dec 5, 2013 (90 days)

During the last year our programs have SOLD OUT in less than 24-48 hours average. Which has put some of you into a situation of needing to be in our Inner Circle coaching program. However, this hasn't been enough for the kind of coaching and help you need.
As my team and I began to review some options for being able to serve you more fully, we came up with the "Gold Group Mastermind Coaching Program" which will open on September 1, 2013 for 100 students only!

We are very excited about this program!! You'll receive one on one group access with me, free entry to my current Inner Circle program AND you'll receive an opportunity to ask me ANYTHING on ANY TOPIC you'd like as you build your business.
This exclusive group WILL REQUIRE that you've already been working on your business with me and my amazing team in the Inner Circle and that you are READY to go to the next step!

Topics such as:  

  • Copywriting
  • Newsletter
  • Writing  Being A Virtual Assistant  
  • Video Marketing
  • Email
  • AutoResponders
  • WordPress
  • Mindset
  • Management
  • Wealth
  • Time
  • Advertising
  • Media Buys
  • Influence & Persuasion
  • Leads
  • Multiplying Your Efforts
  • Saving On Taxes
  • Working With Spouse & Kids
  • Make More Live Free
  • Direct Response Marketing 
  • Press Releases  
  • Publicity Through Social Media  
  • How To Build A HUGE Following On Social Media  
  • List Building  Building A Team  
  • Prospecting & Closing With Social Media  
  • Public Speaking  
  • Affiliate Marketing  
  • Pay Per Click Marketing  
  • Direct Mail Campaigns  
  • AND MORE!  
What you can expect:
Every Tuesday my team of coaches and I will deliver a video that is driven to assist you in your business. Topics will include:  marketing, social media, video production and editing, copywriting training and more!  
Every Thursday my team of coaches and I will deliver an "Action Sheet & Audio" to keep you on track with your business. 
ipad coaches Information Publishing Made Simple For The Small Business Owner
This class will NOT be for someone who is just dragging their feet and playing around! It WILL be for the serious business owner who needs more time with me to get their business going.   

includes Coaching Programs With Sandi Krakowski, Millionaire Mompreneur and Internet Marketing Expert


  • 1- Video every Tuesday for business focus  
  • 1- Action Worksheet & Audio for specific steps to take on Thursdays
  • 1- 60 minute LIVE group call per month with coaches
  • Private Facebook Group for one on one access to me
  • "Open Question" Days on Monday and Wednesday to ask anything you need help on!
  • Sandi will be REWRITING students ads for them through screen sharing for AMAZING insights into the world of online PPC marketing!
  • Complimentary access to Emerald Membership $ 119.85
  • Complimentary access to Inner Circle $291.00 VALUE
  • Complimentary access to FWP $ 59.85 VALUE