Ask Sandi This Summer Blog Posts- Your Questions About Business!  Question #3


MORE answers to your questions!! We're going through the summer… answering the business questions you have asked! Every week we'll answer 2 or 3 of YOUR questions!

You mean the world to me! If I can help you accomplish your goals, it will make me know I've done my part!

Come back often to read the answers I post. 

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

Let's build a business AND a life together!

Ashley Saffell writes, "What was your biggest obstacle and how did you overcome it?"

WOW… that's a big question. Ashley, have you heard my story? From what you see online with hundreds of thousands of readers and people who connect with us daily on social media, you'd think it was all glitter and gold. Well, it wasn't. FAR FAR from it….. you'll want to read it in my best selling book that you can download right now for free right here–>> 

Let me say from the bottom of my heart to yours…… the BIGGEST obstacle I had to overcome was the fear that if truly became all that I was designed to be, it would destroy me.

The root of this belief (which I have obviously overcome!) comes from much pain in my life. Many times being abused and manipulated…. from those in authority as a young girl, parental figures, teachers, church leaders, you name it. Sheeesh… I even encountered massive manipulation and control dressed up as a follower of God in business.

And that belief…. that if I became all that I was designed to be, it would destroy me, came from many many times hearing

"Don't compete with me"  

and "You can't do that!"  

or "If you do that I'll stop you!"  

Ironically, honey, the truth is? Those were voices of resistance that now confirm I was right on track.

The lies were so subtle, so crafty that I actually believed I might be doing something WRONG to become all that I was designed to be! OH MY GOSH…. that is so far from the truth.

The real lie is when we settle, hide, cower from others threats and phobias and we accomodate the small beliefs and pain in others so that we can not become all that God designed. God has a dream for all of us and He's equipped us to uniquely create that dream, partnering with Him.  

The biggest obstacle?

Learning that I was designed for something great and that as I processed my way through… hundreds of thousands of people would also find freedom.

I'm currently working on publishing more than 12 leather journals FILLED with those processings…. and you, my friend, are a product of my breaking through. Thank you, for finding me on Facebook, for asking your question. YOU were worth pressing through for... so I could inspire you today.  ðŸ™‚ 

Much love to you!