Sandi's ToDo List Minute-
Good ole fashioned paper and a pen
It's Wednesday! The middle of the week and a great time to "tune up your ToDo list!"
Starting today, I'll be showing up every Wednesday to give you a little time and life management tip! So, let's get to it!
Even in a day when electronics are amazing, smartphones are connected to us like an umbilical chord and the world of apps has grabbed our attention, as a copywriter and one who writes for a living there is one tip I'd like to share with you that has never gone out of style, or effective use.
It's simple- a pad of paper and a pen.
I always have one on my desk, actually, it replaces a mouse pad! Right underneath my working hand is my "To Do" list pad of paper. Bought in bulk from my local office supply I never lack something to jot tasks that need completing on. I also rewrite my schedule every morning. After my assistant sends me my appointments, I like to hand write out what I'll be doing. It sends a message to my brain of where we are going- a focus activity of sorts. Under that are personal action steps that I must take- get more coconut oil, pick up more laundry soap, have Holly clean the kitchen cabinets, etc.
An action list by your side will do wonders for your FOCUS! Why not give it a try?
An assignment I give many of my newest coaching clients is jotting down for 48 hours everything they do, in 15 minute increments. When someone tells me they just don't have the 'time' to do some tasks or they are overwhelmed with things, this brings clarity faster than anything I know.
Give it a try– for 48 hours write down every 15 minutes what you do. I bet you'll find things on there to CROSS OUT as they are not profitable or a wise use of your time.
A pad of paper and a pen! That's your Wednesday ToDo List Minute!
With love,
Sandi Krakowkski