Sandi's To Do List Minute-

Post It Note Success Tips!

Happy Wednesday! Welcome to the thousands of new readers we've had join us this week. We are so grateful to be ale to serve you!

Today's tip with To Do lists is to learn how you, personally, do with To Dos. Some of you do really well with a pad of paper and a pen. Others thrive with a digital program you carry with you everywhere you go! Still others can't stand either of these methods and thrive on Post It notes. 

So how do you use Post Its for a To Do? Ooh…… Let me tell you! Listen in!

It's all about knowing what works for you. We've recently required all of our private coaching clients take the Kolbe A Index test so they can discover what is their natural bent. This is not a personality or an intellect test…..rather it's what you WILL predictably do, left to you own devices as well as when you're on top of your game. We've had client after client confess they feel SET FREE from all the stigmas, programs and plans of others by discovering this information.

Some of you will thrive with Post Its because you can do one- at – a – time and will feel super accomplished and on task as you whiz through each one and throw them away (or toss them in the air!) as you finish each item on each note!

Make your "To Do" list serve you and be your slave…not the other way around! Design it for your natural bent!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski