Sandi's ToDo List Minute-
Remind Thyself All Day Long!
The number one question that comes into my email nearly everyday is "How do you stay on track?" And that is followed up by, "How do you stay so vibrant all the time?"
I'm honored that people would think I'm 'always' on track or that I 'always' look vibrant! Thank God for good makeup! And …. good tools to help me with forgetfulness, amnesia and procrastination.
When I was bodybuilding in my 20's I learned a 'trick' that would forever change my life. It's a daily habit I still use and I want to share it with you.
Remind Thyself All Day Long!
Truth be told, I pay people to keep me on track. I pay an Executive Assistant to remind me of what has already been scheduled, and remind me again if need be. I check in with her daily and on some days… several times a day to be sure I'm in the flow, on track, not getting side tracked and going in the direction I need to.
Then…. I have my 'technical' buddies who also keep me moving along. They remind me nearly every hour what I should and shouldn't be doing. My iPhone calendar has a feature that allows me to send 'alerts' and I've used these for years!
When I was bodybuilding I also did this to keep track of my workouts, body parts we were doing, where my focus should be.
As a homeschooling mom for more than 20 years and a wife, business woman and someone who is very easily distracted, I began to send alerts to myself to not forget things like, "Drink your water" or "Get apples at the grocery story at 3pm" and so on, every single day.
Having a gift of focus can also mean you have the gift of getting unfocused very fast… so quit beating yourself up and trying to be like everyone else! You be you… and set reminders! It works!
Reminding myself of the things that are important, including reminders to send a text to check up on one of my kids at a particular time, to mail a package, ask my client care reps something, post a tweet at a specific time live, not scheduled… all done with reminders.
Tools like my iPhone, iPad, Google Calendar, Boomerang (which will email me at a particular time to tell me to do something) and more are my "secret weapons" of choice!
Quit pursuing perfection…. just remember to remind thyself often what you need to do! You'll hit the mark with ease.
Have an AMAZING Wednesday!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski