This is urgent. I have to ask you this critical question!

What would YOU do if someone who worked personally with Forbes Magazine, was Publisher & CEO of Early to Rise where she was responsible for growing the business from $8 million in sales to $26 million in just 15 months. Before that, she served as President of Weiss Research where she led the company to $67 million in sales from $11 million in just 12 months….. commented on YOUR Facebook page and your video?

Yeah, me too. I nearly freaked out. She's my coach and she's someone I've had the honor to personally be working with and for in the last several months.

MaryEllen Tribby, known as the "Money Honey" in the Internet Marketing world had this to say about a recent video that sneaked out that we did.
"Great video – solid thinking and execution. Nice how we can all learn from each other – become stronger with each other!" MaryEllen Tribby 

My Inner Circle video was given on my Facebook page which doesn't happen very often and she tool 15 minutes out of her busy schedule to watch it!
Now you know why I'm so freaked out.. and honored!
You can go to my Facebook page to see it and comment:
If you're not a friend yet, just add me. I'll add you back as soon as I can.
This woman is so amazing!  I wanted to share the video with you and her comments.
Listen, there's thirteen trillion dollars still circulating in the economy… what are you doing ot get some of it!
I believe in YOU!
Here is what people had to say on Facebook:
Sandi Krakowski 

"This video is for my Inner Circle group that meets on Monday and Fridays every week. Today we're talking about business plans and brainstorming. When do business plans help your business? How can they harm your business ? What is the right way to brainstorm and when is brainstorming an excuse for no results? Watch video now. If you'd like to receive MORE content like this on a weekly basis, join the Inner Circle NOW:"

2 hours ago · 

MaryEllen Tribby

MaryEllen Tribby 

Great video – solid thinking and execution. Nice how we can all learn from each other – become stronger with each other!

2 hours ago · 

Sandy Gibbons Gillespie

Sandy Gibbons Gillespie 

great video Sandi thanks….I definitely need to work on the business plan…

2 hours ago · 

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski 

Thanks MaryEllen!! YOU are making me a bigger better thinker!! I'm so honored to be working with you!

2 hours ago · 

Jody Calkins

Jody Calkins 

I loved the video, Sandi. Thanks for sharing it! I'm learning so much from you. I'm working on the follow-through and the follow-up; they're big problems for me.

about an hour ago · 

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski 

Jody they used to be for me too so take heart! I think every business owner can fall prey but if we come together and encourage each other, get a Mentor/coach to keep us on track we can keep moving forward. What I've learned is those who don't derail are those who succeed.. NOT those who don't make mistakes or don't have weaknesses. 🙂

about an hour ago · 

Caroline Blader

Caroline Blader 

I can't believe your giving this information away for free! Thanks Sandi~ Excellent relevant information…I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos with your inner circle coaching.

about an hour ago · 

Jody Calkins

Jody Calkins 

Thanks, Sandi. I agree. We can't let the fear of failure or making mistakes overcome our will to succeed!

about an hour ago · 

Frank Francis

Frank Francis 

Sandi this is a great video! In the last 20 years America has witnessed an interesting phenomenon… the rise of "spiritual" entrepreneurs, i.e. pastors and church leaders. I'll try to be brief but when I was younger most churches struggled for growth but through the years American pastors began to wise-up and run their churches like businesses. Just for clarity, this is not unBiblical in any way because scripture actually charges church leaders to not be slack in business. Now many of these leaders are applying many of the same principles you teach and are experiencing tremendous growth. That's why we've seen the explosion of "Mega-churches" in the last couple of decades. Many of the more successful pastors are more like a CEO and layout strong business plans and use many of the modern advertising techniques including social media. Like Jesus said, "No one lights a candle and puts it under a bushel but rather he puts on a stand so it gives light to the entire room!" and, "A city set on a hill cannot be hid." Great marketing strategies! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you have people from all walks of life listening to you 🙂

about an hour ago · 

Susanne Scaldino

Susanne Scaldino 

Ohhhh boy…this was a biggee…working on that follow through and more doing, less talking is my current struggle. Thanks, Sandi!

about an hour ago ·