Happy Wednesday morning! 

I'm sitting here in tears and couldn't wait to talk to you….isn't that crazy and fun? That we can have this kind of connection, through the internet…. that we can encourage each other and help each other in this journey called life?

Ok.. let me wipe my eyes… you guys have to hear this!!!!

I wake up this morning and there's an email in our client care in box that my staff forwarded to me with three !!! marks on it. First I'm thinking, "What on earth? Is everything ok?" I rarely get these kind of emails from my staff unless it's urgent so I was thinking the worst… you know where your thoughts go… our server crashed, someone died… something urgent!!  Then I began to read…

There was an email that just came in from an international client. He was asking if we could do him a favor. He had purchased his virtual seat for our Dallas event but he said that he had to write us because God woke him up and said he was to purchase someone else a live seat to Dallas and he was also supposed to pay for their hotel room. Could we help him to do this.

Ok… you have to understand.. this is both mind boggling to me and it's how God works… sheesh… I'm crying again… I sat there looking up to heaven reading this email and said, "God… WHO are these people?! Did you see that sincere loving gesture of a complete stranger to help someone else?" and I believe He said something very poignant back to me… and I have to share it with you. "That, baby girl, is a real change." WOW

Then it went up one more notch!!!

Someone in our Inner Circle writes to us and shares this story…..

"I was on the call last night you did with all of us and had to share what my 11 year old son did! We were sitting at a stop light and a man with a sign asking for food was on the corner. My 11 year old son got out and gave the man a pack of crackers and a $ 1 bill… he quickly jumps back into the car and said, 'I am living my dream!' It was so pure and so honest, I had to share!"  
Hullo?! Who are these kids?! 

This same Mom will be with her sons at our Dallas event learning to not only build a business for herself but to release her SONS into the world to create a change!

You guys….. do you see the fingerprints of God?  
He uses the internet daily to change lives. He wants to use you and me…. to love people. He wants us to prosper WIDLY… to the tune of millions of dollars….. and He wants to give you RIDICULOUS conversion on your ads… so that NO ONE can compete with you.
He wants to make your newsletters come alive, your blogs go to the top of Google and He wants to partner with you to change the world!

YOU are called by God to be a force of impact in many lives, in this generation.

All I can say is this…. the hotel room block is almost sold out. The room is almost full. Please, don't delay.

From the bottom of my heart, I love you guys. Can't wait to see your amazing faces, be with you for two full days and see all that God has in store for us! 

My entire family will be with me… I sure hope you'll bring yours!

YOUR dreams mean the world to me! I pray for you every single day. I honestly do.

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

P.S. We know you WILL want to make a big commitment to your business, THIS YEAR. We are ready to serve you. Get your seat now.