SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS, I have a word for you!

The way we think and how we believe affects more than even our skill set and experience in business. I’ve sat in high level masterminds with multi-millionaires and even a few billionaires and the reality is this- EVERYONE has head crap. But what we do with it, defines our future and our lives. Listen up! 

We all have defining moments we’ll never forget when we hit our lowest point in time. What we do at THAT MOMENT will define us. The most successful people in the world all have that moment. We can’t keep trying to ignore it, deny it, or using it as our excuse for why we are where we are at. We must USE IT as a weapon against the possibility of ever being here again. I was a single Mommy living on $5k a year, and I was also gang raped, sexually violated and abused for many years as a young girl. I was abused in the church and outside of the church, misunderstood most of my life and sadly, put myself  into very abusive codependent relationships that SUPPORTED all of that trauma and drama. 

But the DEFINING moment was when I prayed and then I ACTED. We can pray all day and get no where if we won’t act. We must make a decision. The word DECISION means to ‘cut away’. We have to cut away the wrong beliefs, the dysfunctional relationships, the self-sabotage, the abuse, the environments and anything else that is supporting our weakened state. When we do that, we will NEVER forget it.

Our own personal demons will come out every single time we climb higher, believe bigger, go to the places where God has for us to go. Some of you are equipped, called and anointed to change the world in big ways. Others of you are anointed and given unusual favor to innovate, create change, shift industries and bring solutions that the world uses. Some of you are absolutely positioned to create a platform for others to walk on and you’re forerunning, pioneering a movement that will shift how the entire world does things. During these times, your own personal demons, the memories and the effects of this personal ‘cutting away’ of things that hold you back, will come out to taunt you, remind you, threaten you. No way around it.

But what you do AT these defining moments completely dictates where you’ll go. You could have the entire treasury of heaven inside of you for world change, or to create a dramatic shift in business but if you won’t ACT, the plan of God will have to go forward through someone else. You’ll lose your opportunity. OR…. and this is the scary one…. Listen up. This is a warning! THE ENEMY will trump you, usurp YOUR authority and use it against you and everyone you’ll called to impact. If that happens, you give up your authority, the Kingdom of heaven doesn’t move forward, darkness does. 

The reason we are in a mess in so many areas of our world is because people who were given authority gave up and the enemy usurped that authority and is using it against everyone, believers and unbelievers. It affects everyone. It is time to CHANGE THAT. 

This is a NOW season, a NOW moment and defining place in history on the earth and all of heaven is cheering, calling, shouting words of life and love and hope and pushing some of you to ACT. DO IT. 

There is no difference in the Kingdom of heaven between a sacred work and a secular work. You could design a new smartphone or a social media platform or a new electric car or a new way to dig oil or a new way to bring broadcasts to the world digitally and GOD is very much a part of it, just like He is involved in missionary work, preaching, teaching of the word of God and more. There is NO difference in the Kingdom between sacred and secular and we have to take off our religious excuses, definitions, boxes, boundaries and other artificial things we’ve set up because of our own issues, and begin to walk in all that GOD designed.

These defining moments can be scary but they will be the best decisions you ever make in your entire life. Your ENTIRE blood line and family history, and the history of nations, cities, industries, the church will be affected. So I speak LIFE into you, I declare and I decree that the calling inside of you is IRREVOCABLE and all of heaven waits for YOUR next move. 

Get good people around you. Support yourself well with self care and good ‘mental care’. Fill yourself with the fruits of heaven through the word of God, good worship music and other things that minister to your inner man. Support yourself well with good business mentoring, and good masterminds and alignments. DO NOT align with the things that God says to not align with. Quit making an excuse that there’s no where else or no one else. WHERE GOD has a will, He always has a way. Get past your own definitions, boundaries, and boxes and press into HEAVEN where your answer is. I bless you in Jesus Name!   
