December Is A Big Month For Social Media Sales

7 Tips To Increase Your Sales During December On Social Media

I overheard some small business owners recently talking about their marketing plans for the month of December. One gal said she was going to ‘hold off’ until people were less distracted. Her reasoning was to save money on marketing and ads and just release her product in January. The other was a gentleman who thought that most people don’t have any money left over to buy things, due to holiday gift giving expectations, so he too was ‘waiting’ to market his product, a direct sales item, until later in the new year.

As a business consultant, if someone gave me this information for their December marketing and wanted my input, I’d say it was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Ok, I apologize for that. But it really is unwise, ridiculous and shows a lack of understanding people, the psychology of social media and the online sales process.

Let me help YOU out, so you don’t make the same error.

Social media usage is at an all-time high during the holidays. That means they are on their Facebook, Twitter and InstaGram apps MORE during this time of year. More viewers means more potential clients for you. People get bored, they are at family events and wish they were back at home. They’re stressed out due to overextending their credit cards and they go toward any passive action they can, that doesn’t take much effort, but can help them numb out the emotions they’re feeling. Years ago, they might have turned to the television. This is why many ad budgets were tripled during the holiday season. Wise marketers knew that more eyes would be tuned in to the advertisements during the season, so they’d make sure they bought more air time. 

But in 2016 there are more people turning toward their smart phone device than even their televisions. Many viewers are now connected to Apple TV, Netflix and the like, so banking on commercials through traditional means is a lagging market.

What can you do as a small business owner during this holiday season to attract more clients that not only buy now, AND they hang around during the new year and continue buying? Here are my top secrets for holiday sales conversions.

7 Tips To Increase Your Sales During December On Social Media:

  1. Post regularly. If more people are logging on, be sure YOU are as well. Use my favorite tips and tools released in my “Facebook Engagement Map Report” on my website. It’s a free download, I’ll tell you what to post and when, so it’s super easy. But the big key is make sure you’re posting more often! You’ll find it included with some free videos on the right hand side bar of my blog. 
  2. Get into the holiday fun with typical-holiday cheer. Post recipes for cookies, drinks, holiday ideas. Add some DIY tips your customers can use. Ask fun holiday questions on your social profiles. We know people are logging on so be there and interact with them. Feel free to schedule these posts ahead of time, as explained in my engagement map, but come back 1-2 times per day and interact.
  3. Recommend some holiday movies to your followers! Ask them what their favorite is! This always get a lot of interaction and you might find a new movie to see with your family. 
  4. Give an ‘end of the year’ or ’12 Days Of Christmas’ promotion! I’ve done this for so many clients as a copywriter and no matter what they were selling, sales would go way up! It’s oftentimes bigger than Black Friday! The people are there, give them a great offer!
  5. Use more quote graphics. Feel free to repurpose and reuse photos you’ve used during the year. Post more holiday photos! Post 2-3 more quote graphics than you usually do. With each quote ask for ‘input’ and ‘feedback’ like, “Do you agree?” “What do you think?” “Can I get an AMEN!?” and use your own words. Authentic marketing wins.
  6. Share articles from other highly-trafficked websites like Oprah, Taste Of Home, Parents or other magazine sites your clients would enjoy. Direct them to holiday focused articles.
  7. BE the page to turn to! #BEMORE If you add these simple steps to your marketing through Jan 2nd, you’ll see MORE people interacting and MORE people joining you. The great thing about social media is, they’ll stick around into the new year! MORE engagement + more exposure = more sales! 

It’s a wonderful time of year to GROW your business and to have fun with your customers!

Sandi Claus Krakowski 😉