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My 6 & 7 Figure Business Secrets Revealed, The Event You've Been Waiting For. . .

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IMAGINE…. you wake up every morning to a profitable business that you can't wait to work on! Gone are the sticking points- gone are the struggles! Imagine it NOW!

This Product Could Change Your Life….FOREVER!

  • List Building -Creating a big house list of hungry customers you can market to over and over again. The big strength of those who succeed online is in building their list.
  • Tracking– What tools to use so that you are able to track every ad, every post, every campaign. Reading this data will tell you how you're doing, what to repeat and what to avoid. Building your business online or offline has never been so easy!
  • PPC – Facebook ads, Google ads or any online Pay Per Click advertising made simple. Discover secrets of how to spy on competitors, find their ads and use the best keywords to compete at 1/2 the price. 
  • Web Copy – Learn simple strategies for creating better headlines, leading your customers through a funnel and closing the sale through your webpage, blog post, sales letter and more. Internet Copywriting is a required skill if you are going to succeed online. I'll show you secrets I learned studying with the best in the world and make it easy for you!
  • Email Campaigns– Write emails that get opened, read and clicked thru. This is a skill that when mastered could double your profits instantly. It doesn't matter what product you have, if it's a service or a drop shipped item- email is your 'rapport building center' with prospective clients. 
  • Auto Responders– The do's and don'ts of good auto responders. Learn secrets that have made enormous profits for my clients. Write auto responders that people actually reply to and think you wrote it to them personally.
  • Virtual Teams– How to hire, interview and find the best people to work for you in a virtual team. Learn to set pay rates, how to motivate your staff and create a dream team for your company!
  • WordPress-Simple step by step processes in WordPress done live, with your computer in hand in the event that will end all of the technical confusion. See what plugins I use and how to use them to maximize your profits quickly!
  • Network Marketing Online – How to do 'parties' and 'group meetings' with some of the best technology in the world on a very small budget. Learn insider secrets to winning bonus checks, using Skype and Tele-conference systems.
  • Using Skype To Close Freelance Projects– Market your services and connect with International clients. Learn how to connect with people through Skype, charge higher fees and get more referrals for your freelance projects 
  • Google Analytics– How to read it and interpret data so that you can bring exactly what your customers want to your website and offline marketing. Data doesn't lie and it's your lifeline to doing bigger profits and leveraging your efforts. We'll spend a session learning what to look for, what to watch closely and how to turn open the pipeline of profits fast!
  • Video Marketing- Secrets that the Video experts use everyday to build their list, close more sales and create trust instantly! Learn how to use Video for PR, Press Releases, Local Events, Pre-viewing online classes and more! What do you say, what not to say and how to be yourself in front of a camera. 
  • Keyword Research– I'll teach you how to spy legally on your competition, see their ads, read where they place their marketing, what they are doing to get traffic and beat them at their own strategies! This session alone will increase your organic traffic, lower your Alexa ranking fast and get you on the first page of Google so quickly you'll be shocked at how simple it is!
  • Social Media-Take the mystery out of Facebook and Twitter. Learn to use these channels to create big profits! Simple steps for finding the best clients and how to connect with them every single day without exhausting yourself!



Get ready for a business-building conference that will deliver success. Actually, it will OVER deliver. And your success, of course, is the bottom line.

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#1 -Wordpress

It could quite possibly be the most universal publishing platform online that can be used by virtually anyone. WordPress is what Google loves and it's the secret behind massive traffic, conversion, list building and a website that's easy to manage.

Here's a little secret….. just because someone tells you they can help you set it up in under an hour, or ten minutes or whatever it is they say…… do you know how to MARKET and make a truck load of cash with WordPress?

Simple installing isn't enough.

You'll walk out of this event confident that your competitors have more to worry about than you do. The experts and authorities you've been spending so much time and money with will know you got training somewhere else when you, the student, become their competition.

Rather than sitting back and investing in a year long coaching program- step up the plate and learn to make money, NOW.

You could end up making money before you even head back home.

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Facebook & Twitter

#2- Social Media

The biggest thing to hit the marketing world in the last few years has been Social Media! Learn step by step how to set up a Social Media Marketing Calendar and put it into action before you even LEAVE this event!

You'll start tweeting and posting on Facebook like you've been doing it for years.

The energy will shift, your customers will respond and here's the best part…. you're gonna have a blast while you do it!

Even if you're the shy type, you can use Social Media. The secret is in being genuine. Learn step by step how to send out Posts that people can't wait to read.

Build rapport instantly and create a hungry following of people who not only can't wait to hear what you have to say, but they also refer you to all of their friends!

Facebook and Twitter has never looked so simple… or profitable! Create a profile is one thing-creating a check is the goal for this event!

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#3-Web Copywriting

This is a fast-track session where you'll learn time tested secrets and strategies of how to write better copy, 'tap into' your prospects minds and get the sale quickly!

Learn the secrets that all the Big Internet Marketers are using and go beyond just online profits- use these skills with your next direct mail campaign, post card mailing, email sales letter and more!

Copywriting is about Psychology. Sales is about relationship. Learn to master the Psychology of Sales and create bigger profits where your customers say YES YES YES before you even get to the closing question.

It's not rocket science but it is rarely taught unless of course you invest more than $ 25,000 with a private mentor.

This ONE session will pay for itself. Don't miss this critical part of this two-day event.

You learn step by step how to get free traffic,
better conversion, more cash!

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#4-Email Marketing

The KEY to writing a good email campaign is to not sound salesy. Here's a clue… if your prospects and clients reply back to you- you did a great job.

Imagine writing a 4-day campaign and sending it to your clients. At the end of the week you have $ 94,508 in the bank, PROFIT.

Learn how to speak your ideal clients language, find out WHAT that language is and use it daily in your business. Write emails that sound like they are written by a friend, an email that people simply ENJOY reading! This has NOTHING to do with personalities. You'll see why at this event.

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#5-Offline Advertising: Radio, Magazine, Postcards & More

We're going to cover online marketing but we're also going to talk about the place where far too many marketers leave too much money on the table- OFFLINE marketing.

What is Direct Mail? How can you do a Post card mailing, a radio ad and even a Magazine Coop ad if you have a very tight budget?

We'll go through the steps to get the best rates, who to work with, who to avoid and more. Bring your pens and papers… you'll look at radio like it was created just for you by the end of this session. I'll also give you my list of resources.

WHO do I personally work with? 

Who I personally buy ad space from? 

Who do I give my hard earned money to? 

You can now work with them as well.

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#6-Auto Responders

I'll teach you my tricks on how to 'wave' your magic wand, whip out auto-responders in less than 30 minutes that are fresh, fast and furious to creating profits that last!
Build your company, market your products and services and have your auto-responders working 24/7 for you building rapport, gaining you referrals and getting repeat business!
You'll know you've 'tapped into the Magic' when your clients reply to your auto-responders and they THINK you just wrote that letter to them personally!

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#7-Virtual Teams

How to build a virtual team that is located all over the world to create your dream life and business.

Where do you go to hire people? 

How do you interview people? 

Should you have contracts? 

What should a professional and successful online business that is run virtually look like? 

I'll reveal my secrets for finding some of the best contractors, employees, team members and even volunteer help you could ever want. This session will focus on how to find people….. but…. if you're smart, you could also market yourself this way. ðŸ˜‰

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#8-KEYS You Cannot Live Without

Life and Time Management– Learn some secrets and strategies that have protected me from a nervous breakdown, have held my life in tact and tools I use every single day to manage my time, my life and every aspect of my business!

How on earth did I homeschool while building these companies?

I get asked this nearly every single day. At this event… I'll reveal just how to you. It's not what you think and I guarantee you- you have NEVER been taught this before.

BUT … it's easy to do.

….. and more!

Before we go any further however I'd like to make it very clear who this event is for and who this event is NOT for.

Who is this event for:

  • Someone serious about starting a real online business and turning their passion into profits
  • Someone who is serious about taking their business to the next level
  • Someone who has plenty of content but does not know how to monetize it
  • Someone who wants a step-by-step blueprint that can be used with a product or service
  • Someone who knows that a business is work and is not looking for a get rich quick scheme
  • Someone who wants to run a customer focused business who makes their highest priority serving their clients

Who is this event NOT for:

  • Someone who thinks they know it all
  • Someone who thinks they should be given things for free
  • Someone who loves to learn, accumulate knowledge but has no intention of taking action
  • Someone who kicks around, searches and researches but has no desire to really run a business
  • Someone who hates their boss and is looking for a quick escape
  • Someone who hates hard work and really just wants easy street

The ONLY question you have to ask yourself is….. are you READY? 

Purchase Price For Attendees Only!