I’ve been coaching for over 17 years. But it wasn’t until I launched my first BIG coaching program in 2010 that sold out in 24 hours and wrote more than $450,000 into my bank account that I began to really understand WHAT it takes to not only run a successful coaching practice, but how to do build one that you can enjoy for a long time.

One-on-one coaching has always been what I thought was the“doorway” to a successful business. At least that’s what all the other gurus taught.

The biggest challenge that most coaches will encounter is this: Burnout.

They will hear from all the experts that as long as they have enough seats in their program sold they will always be wealthy. They map out their “My Biggest Successful Coaching Program Profit Map” and before you know it, the desire to impact people’s lives is overtaken by a desire to make money.

NOW we enter the nightmare.

The program is now designed by “How much money can I make” and not, “How can I impact people’s lives in a big way.”  Filling seats becomes the goal and getting a credit card from a client that goes through is what defines success. UGH.

Let me show you how to STOP selling your time and energy while building a hugely successful coaching program. YOU decide who to coach because they are qualified to work with you AND you are able to help them achieve success. No more low balling your prices and no more selling more seats than you have time to handle!

Register NOW!!!
