Stay Home With Your Kids, Get Off The Phone & Build A Big Business

Being on the phone all day is old-school, end that habit today!

Building my kitchenware business two things were required to run that 4.5 million dollar business. Ok, maybe three. Website, phone line and Pay Per Click ads. That's it. Throw in a newsletter for good measure and the business was soaring.

Today, our company is built with the internet, a WordPress blog site, Social Media connections, email and a Skype line. Our company lines are all Skype lines, each person who is connected to the public is given a Skype line. Our full time employees are able to work from the comfort of their own home, raise their kids, enjoy their families AND live profitably in their career. Funny thing? None of us are on the phone all day… are you?

In today's market there is no need to spend all day on the phone. As a matter of fact most people would prefer you NOT speak to them on the phone whenever possible. Email and social media direct message are now the top choices! (Always remember however, if someone does want a personal phone call, be willing and ready to give it! It will most likely be the rare choice though.. )

Last year one of my now VIP Millionaire Mastermind Clients, Coach Jimmy Nelson, a celebrity fitness coach on the world famous"BeachBody Insanity" DVD set asked me for some help on how to manage his VERY successful home business. He was working at home while raising his new 3 month old baby boy. (Now his baby is walking!) His wife was working out of the home full time at the time. (NOW she works at home full time!)

This article was inspired  by the things I shared with him that are working amazingly.

Listen to his testimony of creating a 6-figure business… and get your pen out… this is his secret plan: 

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One of his first challenges was that whenever a new coach begins to work with him the company he partners with has a 'training program' in place that is built to be on the phone with each new coach to 'get them started'.

When he would schedule appointments to be a good team leader, he'd have to reschedule or cancel the appointments because his babydoll was teething or crying! With a babysitter available several times during the week and a real firm commitment to not let anyone else raise his baby for him, he was hitting a wall constantly with these challenges.

We went to work assessing his options. This is the best way that I know of to overcome a challenge- assess your options. 

His current options were as follows-

1. Stop calling new coaches. This is not an option if he wants to keep building the income he currently has. No communication with coaches- no closed sales.

2. Keep scheduling appointments and hope and pray the day is fine. This isn't going to work either. HOPING isn't a business plan! Babies are as flexible as the weather most times with their needs. It could also breed resentment from 'hoping' things work out and they don't.

3. He could find other options for reaching out and connecting with the new coaches that don't require phone time at all. BINGO! 

4. He could create a system to put people through these options that don't require the phone so it becomes the 'normal' way to business- a way his entire team could follow.  BINGO TWICE!

As you can see with this process, we hit a home run…. and let me just say, it works! And has worked for everyone who he partners with.

Jimmy now speaks to a new coach through Skype text chat, social media, his Facebook page, a private Facebook group and even direct messages. He works 1/2 the hours he used to work! By the way….we're not using video or phone on Skype, just text. This keeps the conversation flowing, no tense moments with tonality in voice when baby is fussy. It has performed beautifully! Be creative! Work WITH what others are using online today…. it will work for your business, too.

Jimmy's new coaches love this method as well and even comment that they can see themselves doing it this way! So his end result is not only increased sales, great team building and peace of mind, but he also has a system now that his team members also want to use. That's good business!  

Here he is, top earner in the company & with his wife, BOTH home full time!  




Design your dream life and your paycheck will follow.  

With love,  

Sandi Krakowski