Sandi Krakowski

Why Would ANYONE Want To Talk To Me?

I get up in the morning, drink my coffee, check my Twitter feed and how many people have joined my Facebook page. My puppy sits at my feet while my 21 lb ragdoll cat yawns on top of my printer.

Pretty same every morning. Talking to God about what is going on, via the social media world.

Real people. Real lives. So why would anyone want to talk to me?

It’s amazing what happens when you give people a chance to voice their opinion. 4.6 BILLION times per day people click on the “Like” button on Facebook. 400 million tweets per day. Every 24 hours. The world is talking.

I remember the first time I sat at my desk and was at a loss for what to write. I typically would schedule things to motivate, encourage and uplift my followers. But today, nothing. Nothing was there. I didn’t feel anything. I had no inspiration. Motivation was not in the room.  Then I felt God share something with me.

Don’t worry, He didn’t speak audibly and the room didn’t shake. A thought came to my mind that I honestly had never had before. Had to be Him. I’m not that smart. 🙂

“What if you start everyday out giving just a few tips. Give encouragement, inspiration and tips for business and life just like you would if someone was sitting in your office, cozy in your chair and sipping coffee with you.”

That’s a thought. But I teach business? Would it have to always be about business? How will anyone know what I do for a living if I don’t talk about business? And God….

The questions started to soar as they always do. The entrepreneurs curse. Or maybe it’s a blessing. I haven’t quite figured it out yet.

I proceeded to do what was suggested!

Tweets scheduled:

“What if today thing do turn around? Miracles happen everyday.”

“You can be anything you want to be in life. Just stop listening to the lies in your head. That’s the first step.”

“Big thinking creates a big life. Small thinking creates a small life. It’s that easy.”

Then they started talking back. "OH MY GOODNESS!" was my first thought…. The comments. The praises. The “HOW did you know I needed that right now?!”

WHY would anyone want to listen or talk to me?

Maybe it is because we could all use a kind word once in a awhile. Or maybe because when you’ve lived in darkness for so long, when light comes shining at you on Facebook, it’s kind of startling and you actually stop to pay attention.

I have no clue, honestly, why anyone would listen to me. But as long as they do, I’ll keep sending encouraging words. And ya know? I’m listening too. We’re in this together. Currently more than 500,000 are talking back to me on social media and my life has been changed, forever.