The Porcelain Professional And The New Way To Do Business
By: Sandi Krakowski
Have you noticed that the face of professionals and business owners is changing?

No longer do Alpha-Dogs who dictate the path to success last. People don't want to be yelled at or told, "No opinions, no suggestions, just do what I say." People need connection.

Gone are the days when you 'brag' about the connections you have and isolate yourself in a community where only those in your Rolodex have access. Social Media has made the playing group of major companies on the Inc 500 list of successful companies equal with a no-name just starting out.

In today's economy, if you don't connect with your audience and have relationship with them you will be flat lined before you know what happened. Not to mention, if YOU don't connect with your ideal clients and customers……. someone else will gladly do it!

Relationship is the secret sauce of successful companies and the Porcelain Professionals with their 'follow me and be like me' are fading fast! Not sure what a Porcelain Professional is?
Let me give you a description:

1- They come out of old-school marketing and are very proud of it!
2- They think social media is a waste of time and claim silly things like, "it's not quantifiable or verifiable"
3- They have a Rolodex they guard more than their marriage and know that without it, they are right, they might be nothing
4- They criticize, judge and condemn people and tell others to 'follow me & you too can be successful'

The sad thing is this- many Porcelain Professionals have made a ton of money through the years! They have written numerous books, done a ton of courses and even built mailing lists in excess of 1 million clients! But the bottom line is fading and the truth be told, there's no connection at all with their audience.

They know their shoe size, how many kids they have, where they live and what they earn…. but ask a Porcelain Professional what makes the heart of their ideal client tick and they'll look at you like a deer in headlights as they reach for their latest Excel Spreadsheet.

People want connection. Lady Gaga has proven this with 8 MILLION Twitter followers and 28 MILLION fans on her Facebook page!

President Obama made his way INTO the Whitehouse because he answered the people and listened to what they wanted! They cried, "CHANGE!" and he gave it to them.

Oprah listens to her audience, so much so that she literally re-invented her TV presence and got her own network!

Are YOU listening to yours?

A Porcelain Professional is hard, fine-grained, has canned answers in most of their conversations and is more fake than Madison Avenue and the Las Vegas showgirls put together! "But…. it's always worked so it still works"… is what they'll say when asked about what they're doing in this new economy.

My friends, it's time to get real. It's time to make a connection with your audience. It is time to get over our own stuff and release to the world what God Himself has designed each of us to carry.

That thing in your heart that moves you beyond anything else… the thing that wants to rise up and war so that others can be free, be successful, find forgiveness… whatever it may be.

Love is the language of business in 2012 and it's a language that the world is begging for, crying for and and listening to a 25 year old Rockstar for!

What will you do in your respective business?

Will you continue to do business the same ole way, doing the same ole things, believing that by some stroke of luck or move of God things will change? Or will you….

Move where the people are.

Go where their hearts are, listen to their pains and make it your business, to care!
The day of the Porcelain Professional, who doesn't know what their audience wants but focuses on their tense of their copywriting is fading. The new era has arisen. You my friends, must decide where you want to put your tent pegs down.

For me? I'll deliver joy, happiness and A Real Change as long as God lets me and our customers are asking for it.
It's the most enjoyable business I've ever done! 

Let's change the face of business together, shall we? I love you, I appreciate you and I'm so grateful to do business with you everyday!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski