The Power Of 4 U's In Your Copywriting, Marketing And Ad Copy

Making More Money The Easy Way!
By: Sandi Krakowski

When you sit down to write one of your first advertising campaigns there is a 'compass' that will create better conversions, more repeat business and referrals. It's the power of the 4 U's in all of your marketing and copywriting. 

Let's walk through the 4 U's in such a way that you'll never forget. It will become easier than ever for you to direct your focus with every campaign you write.

The first "U" is the word urgent.

You must solve a problem, concern or challenge with your product or service. It must be a problem that is urgent, one that is demanding a result NOW!

What urgent, pressing problem do you solve? 

If you're in weight loss, you solve the problem of feeling unattractive, not fitting into one's clothes, lack of energy and sex-drive! Unlike so many campaigns we see focused on blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes- truth be told, the urgent problem is that people are tired of feeling fat and bloated! They'll even go to unhealthy measures to get skinny but hardly to get healthy. Solve their urgent problem and you'll never struggle to find clients again.

Solve an urgent pressing problem and you'll have no trouble building a list! 

Let's move onto "U" number two. This is the word unique. Your solution must be unique and stand out. To be competitive in business, your goal is to listen first, then serve. It couldn't be easier to be unique if you pay close attention to your audience. 

Your prospective customers are talking all day long. 

They're showing up on Facebook talking about their dreams, their worries and their fears. Forums are filled with prospective buyers who are looking for someone who will give them a listening ear.

Listen to the solutions that your competitors offer and then find the 'leaks'. Where is the ball dropped? Where is personal attention lacking? This is where your unique solution to an urgent problem can shine!

If it typically takes a long time for a certain solution, create one that gets the job done faster and more effectively. Do it uniquely and your clients will be racing to make a purchase!

Onto the third "U" in copywriting and marketing. This is the word useful.

If you can show me that your unique solution to my urgent pressing problem is useful, I'll buy your product or service on the spot. So, how does one show that something is useful? One word- stories. The old saying "Facts tell and stories sell" still holds true today, even more than ever! 

Tell me how you've helped others. Show me their results. Include the changes that are tangible and intangible. People are interested in breakthroughs in mindset, belief and even time management habits as well as financial results. So include them all!

Big tip:  The best testimonials you'll ever find are those that are not coached. Let people express their results and gratitude on their own. It creates a genuine story that will sell for a long time to come. 

Lastly, our fourth "U" in copywriting and marketing is the word ultra-specific.

This is where the rubber hits the road and you'll either do or die. Those who rise to the top, build huge lists and loyal client followings compete by being ultra-specific. This is also a big key to growing at record breaking rates.

It's what sets you apart, puts you on the top and makes you hard to keep up with. This is where you are quite literally the "only" one. With either your product or service, you break the mold, set the standard and are in a very real sense of the word, a pioneer at what you do….. even if others have been doing it for years, you do it in such a way that it's hard to touch you.

If you use this plan as a roadmap,  you're going to see much greater results than you're currently getting. 

Writing a successful business plan starts with this focus. 

With love,

Sandi Krakowski