OK, I admit it. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Star Wars fan.  I was there  for the first one. (I think they now call this one the 4th one, but
Then, I stood in line while 8 months pregnant to see the second one.  Couldn't help but wonder if my husband's superstitious Grandma was right about "marking" my baby when he  came out with big eyes
and a pointed head like Yoda. 🙂 
And, if you're anything like me, you love Star Wars, too. Something inside just makes you want to stand up and cheer when you see Good kick Evil's butt, doesn't it?  
That's one reason I've always been a big fan of Yoda. I love his spunk and his never give up type of attitude. Hey, I even have several "Yoda Quotes" on my  MARI Method website.
But, today, I'm here to tell you there's one area where Yoda is wrong, Wrong, WRONG!
You see, Yoda says that "Size Matters NOT!"
But in reality, when it comes to your waist, size DOES matter. BIG TIME! 
A new study appearing in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that risk of death increases progressively with increasing waist size. This is even among people who are not overweight according
to BMI standards.
This study was pretty thorough, too.  It used data from more than 100,000 people who were followed from 1997 to 2006. Nearly 15,000 people died during that time!
So, how do you tell if your waist size is putting you "at risk"?
Simple.  Go grab a tape measure. 
First, measure your height (barefoot), and then measure your waistline at the belly button. If your waist measures 1/2 of your height (or more), you are putting your health at risk. 
But now, I have some good news for you!
You see, God says "people perish for lack of knowledge". And,  since YOU now have the knowledge about how your belly is unnecessarily putting your very life at risk, I'm sure you'll want to do something about it. Right??? 

And, I have even more good news… it's not that hard to get rid of belly fat! 
Start applying these 4 simple steps today, and your belly fat will begin to shrink. BIG TIME 🙂
  1. Eliminate sugars, and anything white (potatoes, rice, bread)
  2. One serving size at a time. Wait at least 20 minutes before getting 2nds. You'll usually find that you're really no longer hungry.
  3. Eat within 30-60 minutes of getting up in the morning. This assures your metabolism that food is available, and it will not shift into "starvation" mode.
  4. Exercise in short, intense bursts for 30 seconds at a time. This can be sprints, machines, or calisthenics. Just push as hard as you can for 30 seconds. Then wait 90 seconds (or until your breathing returns to normal) and repeat!
With the 2010 Holiday Season coming to an end, now is the perfect time to get serious about shrinking your middle.
As Yoda says: "Do or do not. There is no try!"  

55 Year Old Mari Ann
Mari Ann Lisenbe is the creator of The MARI Method – Mindful Actions for Radical Improvement! 
Her practical approach to weight loss is helping people who've struggled with weight their whole lives, finally lose the weight, and keep it off.

Social Media Tip

Today's social media tip is about consistency. One thing to remember about Twitter and Facebook is this- you want your audience to get used to you! Offer good content, fun quotes, valuable information so that they want more of what you have. But beyond that, so that they get USED to coming to your page or profile to get this valuable information.

One critical thing I see so many business owners drop the ball on is consistency. I'm sorry but if the last time you posted on your wall was October don't be so surprised when social media 'isn't working for you." Can you imagine only sending out one email per month? Or worse yet, every other month? This is not how we build a business.

Email, social media interaction on Facebook and regular tweets on Twitter are what increase rapport with your clients, builds a closer relationship, creates a community and ultimately builds bigger profits.

People want to interact regularly. The average texting person doesn't just text 1-2 times per day- try 20-30 times per day! Some per hour! So if you only post once per week on social media you are not going to be taken seriously. If you only post once per day this isn't even going to work as effectively as posting every hour!

You cannot over do it on social media. Here's why- John, Mary, Joe and Marge don't log onto Facebook or Twitter at exactly the same time. If you get a few rare people who complain about you posting too often it's because they either don't have very many friends (so you are showing up most often) or they are on their computer too much (which you shouldn't worry about).

Those who succeed with social media are consistent and regular with their interaction, sharing, connecting and posting. Be consistent- you'll go far with your social media efforts!

–  Sandi Krakowski


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#2- Web Copy Coaching- Your next step would be a copywriting course that will make it easy for you to write good copy that converts the sale, builds rapport and helps you connect well.

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#4- Auto Responder Course- Finally, you'll want auto responders that people can read but never know they were written months ago. Emails that work like magic to keep your clients moving towards their next step. This is a critical skill in your online success.