Twitter Ads For your Business

Twitter Ads Increase Targeting Options

Many of you saw me show on my screen at our recent Social Media GPS Summit that Facebook is RULING the social media realm with 89% of all traffic on smartphones and 90% of all traffic on computers in the USA.  Twitter is the strongest in second place at 28% and 24.5% in the USA.  So it only makes sense that Twitter would begin to UP their game when it comes to growth, targetting and what they offer to their marketers.

As I was recently working on some campaigns for the big brands we service, I noticed that Twitter is changing their targeting options on a weekly basis! TAKE NOTE: They've changed things so drastically that some of the information I was able to glean was very helpful for me in our Facebook campaigns!

What do I mean by this?  Well….. when I was targetting where to position ads for a nationwide client I write for, we started with pulling up who their ideal clients follow.  Then we asked Twitter to give us some suggestions:

Under the "Promoted Account" settings it was incredible to me the targeting options they pulled up AND it made me race back to my Facebook ad manager to see if there was anything I needed to change on my targetting and there was!

Targeting ads on Twitter

In my Inner Circle this month I did a 12 minute training showing STEP BY STEP how to set up an effective Twitter Ads "Promote My Account" campaign and I thought it would be great to just give all 1.7 MILLION of you this training for free!  🙂

Follow along, step by step, and you'll be BLOWN AWAY at what we can learn within Twitter's ad manager! ENJOY… you can access the training here:

How To Use Twitters Ad Manager

This is EXACTLY the style I'll be teaching my 3 Hr. PPC 2 Class in! Take a sneak peek and go set up some ads today!

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski