Twitter Collages

Twitter Collages, Tagging And More!

It’s been an exciting week on Twitter!  Now on the iOS and Android mobile app you can tag up to ten people on one photo, link four photos together into a collage on one tweet and even tag up to ten people on a collage! CRAZY!  

Did we ever expect that rival Twitter would become so much like Facebook? Most marketers have argued for a long time that Twitter would stay autonomous, running things it’s own way. 

The competition between the two brands heats up! Twitter announced last week Wednesday that photo tagging was their newest feature and right after that came photo collages! So the big question is now, “How can a business owner best use these features for their brand?”

Lorde Photo Of Imperfections

Pop Star Lorde used the new Twitter Collage feature (and her influence) to speak on the reality of a flawed world! Rather than having to use an app to put her two photos side by side, this was the effect.

Here’s 3 ideas you can use on Twitter instantly in a very unique way:

#1- Build a collage of four photos, making three photos your products of focus and the last photo would be your product name, URL for purchasing and a #hashtag

#2- Show your product in one photo of a collage, with your company and URL in the second photo, using the last two photos for testimonials, user experiences or even a coupon!

#3- Tag customers you know have used your products and have had a great experience. Help them grow their own Twitter following with your tag and their reply. OR you could tag clients who have already mentioned your products favorably on Twitter.

Here’s 3 ideas you want to AVOID INSTANTLY when using Twitter in a unique way:

#1- No collage pimping! Don’t layer your products like crazy every single tweet and slam your items down your followers throat!

#2- No fake tagging customers! If you tag people because you want them to use your items and try to ‘get them’ to engage with you on how their experience was, it could turn into a nightmare!

#3- DO NOT tag big brands thinking they will drop everything they’re doing because your graphic is so cute and your collage convinced them to invest money into your small business. How do we say unprofessional?! 

Just as the advertisers say with alcoholic beverages, please drive and drink responsibly or in other words,  tag and collage responsibly and everyone will be safe and sound.

With love,
Sandi Krakowski 

Sandi Krakowski