WOW! My article on got a LOT of comments on my Facebook page!

HA! Did you see all the comments on my post yesterday on my Facebook page? I don't think I have ever written an article for Entrepreneur that got that much response on my page before! It was fun…. in some ways.

Some people started yelling and rebuking and telling me, "You can't make me stop praying at work! You can't make me be silent! You're an apostate!" 

I knew that would happen. And I am actually glad it did! (As a copywriter, as a side note, I can see my copy skills did what I wanted too! HAHA it got a DIRECT response!)

Here's my response to the uproar this created and my 'Bible lesson' on what Faith At Work means, why I do NOT believe in a 'socially accepted' gospel and how many people are turning the cross of Christ into something people don't want anything to do with!

Watch the video NOW! 

I look forward to your input!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

P.S. The article link is also included with the video if you missed it.