If you’ve been on Facebook in the last week I’m sure you’ve seen the Chewbacca Mom – the lady with the mask from the Star Wars film and her contagious laughter.

So many people were amazed by the joy this lady had and how happy she was just being herself. Now, she’s been on TV interviews, got to go visit Facebook’s headquarters, and her profile has over 750,000 followers in just 1 week (from no where)! Woohoo! You go girl!


There’s a huge lesson that every business owner needs to take time – stop what they are doing and pay attention to – you ready?

This woman gained the publicity with 1 video on Facebook that takes people year’s to build – as well as thousands of dollars on Facebook ads to grow – in an instant – from her car.

How did this happen? How did she get so lucky?

It’s actually something very simple that we teach every single business owner who coaches with us.

The ones who pay attention to this one thing – see success in their business – and the ones who don’t – well they are still trying to “figure out” how to make social media and Facebook work.

The secret sauce:

She was unashamedly, unapologetically herself not trying to be anyone but herself and created a connection in an instant that you felt like you knew who she was by watching this video – and then connected with the joy in her heart that she had through a video in an instant that made you go “Wow, I want some of what she has”.

That’s it! Super simple – no algorithm – no special keywords – no SEO – just being herself, being real – and not being afraid to be the best version of herself she can be – even if she looked super silly doing it!

My charge to you:

Go out there today – make a video of yourself. Just be you, talk to people on your Facebook page (If you’re building a business you want to use a page). And keep doing videos. Take photos. Let people see YOU the real you. Don’t hide behind what you think a business owner should be on Facebook – or how you should look.

Another example of someone who did this and grew a huge following is our OWN Sandi Krakowski. Her Facebook page has over 1.2M people on it – and that’s all she does is be herself on there, and then periodically share a product that we have to offer for sell to help people in their business!

Those who pay attention to this one thing on their social media will see a difference right away – and those who try to over analyze it and come up with a reason or a formula won’t. You can’t make a formula for relationship and being yourself. People can tell what’s real and what’s not. Be yourself today and have fun doing it!!

Jeremy Krakowski

Media Director, A Real Change International, Inc.
