Updates for November 2, 1010

Good morning! I'm sipping Spiced Eggnog coffee today. I hope the coffee is hot where you are! 
We have several things to share with you today! Things to increase your bottom line, make all that you're doing a little bit easier and fun!

Here are a few updates for your Tuesday morning:

Last Nights' Call was amazing! Your questions inspired me & the participation was encouraging to everyone! We discussed "Behind The Scenes Of A Thriving Business." where my special guest and personal assistant, Amity Hook-Sopko and I shared some intimate detail of running a million dollar company from the ground up in 7 months time! 

Here is your recording. Just go to the Monday Night call page, scroll down to November 1, 2010 and you will find your recording in both streaming and downloadable format. Listen To Call NOW!

Join me for an Exclusive Preview Call as we talk about the "Your Best Business In 2011 Coaching Program". 

This 52-week mentoring program is available at all levels, but will sell out some levels by Friday morning!  If you are serious about business in 2011 and would love access to all of Sandi's digital classes at no cost, be on this call for all of the details! 

Everyday Sandi shares insights, strategies and even some of her biggest secrets to business on her Facebook page!  Join the fun and connect with like-minded business owners EVERY single day!  Click here and "Like" Sandi's page NOW!

WordPress is the standard in the online world that you must have to be able to run your business as you need it. But I've got a big surprise for you. It just got easier to move forward!

For the last 7 months as our company has been growing by leaps and bounds, our BIGGEST seller to date has been our WordPress For The Business owner WebEx class. Currently it is available in an online platform which means you can start whenever you want, learn whenever you want and be into the profit zone faster!

Our WordPress For The Business Owner contains:

6 intense hours of training on how to properly install your social media connections, install the widgets that will make you more money and increase your SEO results instantly. 

We also spend 2 hours going through keyword research. This is how you FIND your ideal client, what they are currently reading, buying and asking for.  If that wasn't enough, we show you how to lay your site out, get it so that search engines love you and you can end  up on the first page of Google in less than a week!

"Sandi, because of the training I've received from you I have gone from pathetic to positioned for massive success on the internet! Thanks so much!!!" 


"Sandi, your coaching classes are awesome. You do give a lot of amazing tips that make sense and easy to implement. You provide great education on understanding people and what it takes to be successful internet marketer. You also helped me to follow my passion and follow my intuition. Thank you." Tatyana

We'll have you in Google faster than you ever thought was possible!

Course includes-

·       Running Your WordPress Site
·       Back office setup of plugins, tools & more for greater organic traffic
·       Listed in search engines quickly
·       Layout of pages
·       Creating an Opt in Form
·       How to email your clients
·       What to say to clients through emails
·       Plug in all social media channels
·       Gain followers quickly
·       Write copy that coverts fast
·       Increase profits with the latest tools online  
·       Building your house list so it becomes a huge asset!
and much more! 

This class has been THE KEY to getting up and running faster for our clients who are building their list and generating new client leads every single day.

In celebration of our ONE YEAR anniversary, when we started our new company, leaving the freelance world and training others in the aspects that we've mastered, we're offering this product at a ridiculous $109.00!

One year ago we built our company, it was 7 months ago that the Tsusanmi started! 🙂

This is our gift to you. WordPress For The Business Owner $ 109.00 !

This is the lowest price we've ever offered it at before, and it's only from Nov 1- Nov 7th. 7 Days only!

We believe in you, your family and your business!


P.S. If you've been stuck with how to start a business, where to start where to go after you get your WordPress site up, this is the entire Blue Print for WordPress for profits!
