I have had an interesting week. Coaching clients, writing copy for companies, planning the upcoming holiday, homeschooling my teen boys. There’s never a lack of variety.

Living in a secluded 6 acres on our property many times, because I don’t watch the news, hate watching all the negativity and can’t stand putting trash into my head, I run up against something that is far removed from the way my brain thinks.

Recently I have been hearing a lot of negative things about money. Here are some of them:

There is an idea out there that money is lacking, that money is not available and that having a lot of money can not be done honestly.

Let’s look at these in detail.

Money Is Lacking

I recently had a client register for my upcoming coaching class, “Butt Whoopin Copy” . They told me they really wanted to be in the class but had no clue where they money to attend would be found. They said money is lacking.

To be able to enter this exclusive coaching class I did something I’ve never ever done before. Ok, let me back up.  I have done this before but not with my copywriting coaching. I’ve used this process with building my direct sales business years ago.

When I was building my direct sales business it was done in a very unconventional way. My business was built as a company. It paid me $ 1 million dollars in just 3 years. Not too shabby. But you see going into this I understood that there are people I would want to work with and there are people I would not want to work with. Just like a regular company or business I knew that not everyone was qualified to be in my sales force. Even if they had a credit card, could pay for the business kit, could drive to the seminars, could do everything…. if they were negative, whining or just living in lack it would cost me in the long run… so I wouldn’t work with them.

Many times people accused me of being selfish, not having patience, not wanting to give a helping hand. That is so far from the truth. It’s not a helping hand to work with someone who has a negative mindset and refuses to change it. It’s a lie. You see if I interview someone for my company and am seeking for a Personal Assistant I can be very selective because that person’s mindset, behavior and mouth will affect me and my business personally. The same held true in Direct Sales.

credit-cardBecause more than 90% of our entire world lives in lack and poverty they can’t see this. So in came the false accusations.

If someone said to me, “I want to be a part of your business but I don’t know where the money will come from I don’t have any“… I wouldn’t go any further.

It’s a lie that there is no money. It’s a lie that none is available. Sadly, to some people, even if their life depended on it they couldn’t get past that and they would die. Breaks my heart! Makes me angry! A drug addict has more belief than a person living in that mindset! Why do I say that? Because a drug addict will get what they are craving and they will go to any means to get it.

drug-addictionA drug addict might not have a place to sleep at night but they will do whatever it takes to get their next fix satisfied.  I am not advocating that people do something immoral or illegal to get themselves out of a poverty mindset. Never.  But I am saying take a good hard cold look at where your belief system is.

I find that more people believe in their lack then they do their abundance!

We all believe in something. Some people have so much faith in their fear that it will hold them captive for the rest of their life. Some people have so much faith that they could never change their financial situation that they will be impoverished and ‘hoping and wishing’ for the rest of their life.

The belief that there is a lack of money is simply not true. There is always enough money. Creative minds know how to find it. They go after it.

They sell something valuable.

They give up something so they can have something else.

They go without eating a few times per week, fast a few meals so they can pinch their pennies.

They use humility and will even borrow from someone else. But the belief that there is not any, none, nadda, zip, zero is a lie.

Money Is Not Available To Me

This lie is really crafty because it involves personal issues more than general. The money is not there for me. I don’t have the money. My bank is empty. My credit cards are maxed out. My checking account is bare. This is a belief that is very personal and it’s very destructive.

People give money far too much power. They fear it!  It’s kind of funny to me when I hear people say that “Money is the root of all evil” yet they still pay their mortgage, they drive a car, they wear clothes.  I guess they participated in some evil-exchange to get those things.

Money is NOT the root of all evil.  The Bible verse they are attempting to quote to prove they are right is totally off. Here it is in the New International Version Translation:

I Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

Let’s look at this closely. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. It does not say that it is THE supreme all cause and ruling factor of all evil.  It says it is A ROOT of ALL KINDS of evil. The LOVE OF.

Love used here is from the Greek word philarguria. It means to have a fond affection for, a covetousness towards…. you could even say a strong emotional and even physical attachment to.  We can easily see that this kind of displaced affection given to money can lead to ALL KINDS of evil.  It is not the root cause of evil by any means, but this kind of love…. in any capacity… towards people, careers, possessions and money can be a root cause for evil.

It goes on to say that some people eager for money….will wander. It again does not hold an all-inclusiveness to this statement. It says SOME. Some people will be eager for, covet, love money and it will lead them away from their faith and it will create a doorway to all kinds of evil. I could write an entire book on that.

When you hear someone say, “Well we know that money is the root of all evil” I always wonder where their covetous heart is lusting and what is it that they can’t have that they have a love for and are so eager for.

Money, my friends, is a reflection of you.

What you do with money says a lot about you

When I hear someone say that money is the root of all evil I often wonder what they are ashamed of, what they dislike in themselves because they are applying it to an intangible force that is reflecting their motives and mindsets more than even a mirror!

Money has no power at all. It cannot do anything until a human being is attached to it. A human being must give money power. That is a point that many people should meditate on.

So..when we make the statement that money is not available to me, we are essentially saying that we don’t have what we deserve, what we want. We are making a lack and victim statement.

It’s interesting… if you do a study in Bible times money was not really coinage in very many instances, it was a reflection of amount, of commitment, of weight, or worth.  It was a reflection of value.

When someone says money is not available to me they are essentially saying I hold no value and am not like everyone else.

To Have A Lot Of Money Means You Are Dishonestmoney

This is a belief that is really disturbing to me. This belief is so vile and such a lie that those who make this statement really have no idea the enormity of the position they are placing on money. If a local charity has this belief and they hold a fund raiser hoping to earn the favor and interest of wealthy people is it any small wonder they have minimal results with their campaign ?

Who would invite dishonest gain into their lives?

This statement comes from a deep seated root of money having so much power and certain people in society are so dishonest it is the reason they have so much of it.

I love the poor. I give away an enormous amount of my income to those who cannot help themselves. It is my belief that my ability to make an enormous amount of money is not just so I can have nice things for myself or my family. I am not against nice things. I have a lot of nice things. But I love to make a truck load of money so I can give to those who are unable to help themselves.

When someone who has squandered, wasted, and abused the wealth they had, whether it’s $ 25 k per year or $ 250k per day there is a problem. When someone curses and judges the wealthy, when someone says that to have a lot of money you must have done something dishonest- that is a personal judgment against their own life that they themselves have done something dishonest and are now suffering for it financially.


Rarely do you ever hear of a poor person who cannot provide for their next meal judge the rich. I have never met a Sr Citizen that I have loved on, given to and helped who will judge me for having wealth. It sure is a joy to help the poor. It’s an honor. The Bible says it’s a reflection of pure and holy love.

I have former friends and even family members who think that if I can earn $ 100k in a week online I must be doing something illegal

Because I haven’t paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in ridiculous funds at a college and I don’t have letters behind my name they wrongly believe I must be doing something dishonest. Never mind the $ 250k+ I’ve invested into my skill set. Never mind all the money I make for my clients and the money they pay me to make that money. When I hear these kind of statements it is ALWAYS from someone who is suffering because of a LOVE FOR MONEY.

It breaks my heart…. and sadly I’ve had to find some new friends. You can’t change your relatives. But when I see the pain, the lack, the judgment of the wealthy in my blood line it reminds me of WHAT I HAD TO PLOW THRU to get to where I am at. It reminds me of the heart ache, the prayers, the forgiveness, the change of mind, the brain cleaning up , the heart cleanse and the healing I had to go through to be able to make millions of dollars in income.

Someone Who Accuses The Rich Has a Love For Money

Re-read if you will what we pulled out of the true meaning of love for money. Now listen to me carefully. When I first began making money in my own business 14 years ago I noticed something very quickly- people treated me differently. Some were soon proud of me who didn’t have any nice thing to say previously. Some were jealous of me who didn’t have such disdain for me before. Some accused me who always had an opinion about everything I do anyways …..so that wasn’t surprising. But I noticed something very significantly.

After spending years and years learning from some very wealthy people in the world I began to notice something very interesting. They didn’t accuse anyone. Some of these people were not exactly saints but they knew the power of accusation and they knew it was not in their best interest to walk in judgment.

I have however found more broke, struggling, religious, ugly and prideful people who make a full time career out of accusing others. They typically have judgments that run so deep it dries and breaks their bones.

Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.”

I have spent a lot of time being treated by Rheumatologists.   Having battled trauma in my life, having made judgments and living in pain many many years in my life it rotted my bones. I have SLE Lupus that has been in remission (thank you GOD!) for 5 years now. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis that is in remission. The healing came with a healed heart.  One of the biggest things that healed my body was to stop living in judgment, lack, greed and offense. I was walking with a cane, many times a walker and dying when I lived in judgment and accusation.

Having spent many years going to a Rheumatologist however has given me a look into that world. I’ve fired over 10 doctors and have 2 now that I love, trust and are my best encouragers. But that world is full of people with offense, judgment and accusation who have rotting bones.

I have rarely seen someone with an Arthritic condition that is super joyful. A broken spirit rots the bones.

So let’s look at what we’ve discussed.

Money is not the root of all evil, an unhealthy love and obsession with it will lead to all kind of trouble.  The statement that “I” don’t have money and it is not available to me is a self-judgment on personal value.  There is a lack of money is a programmed perception and belief that is rooted in lack, victim and want.

We were not created for any of these.

It is my belief that we have created these things ourselves.  Therefore, we can be set free from them as well. I know personally. Having paid off over $ 450,000 in personal and mortgage debt myself….. let me say it again, I know . I was in debt from the time I was 18- 42 years of age. I’ve been debt free for 3 years.

Change your beliefs, your future is depending on it.

Sandi Krakowski

ps…. if this article makes you angry and you have a strong urging desire to write a negative, judgment and accusation to me, don’t waste your time.  For your sake, so it doesn’t come back to you one hundred fold in misery- I’ll delete it.  🙂